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“It’s meant to hurt,” he told her in a deep voice. “Let me see how far you’ve gotten.” He counted out each line. “Twenty-five more to go. Get to it.”

Sighing, she took the pad back. Writing lines was barbaric!

Any more barbaric than having a plug in your bottom and sitting on your naked butt on the kitchen stool?

“Mama would have had a fit if I sat my naked bottom on the furniture.”

He snorted as he looked at something on his phone. “Maybe Mama would have benefited from a good spanking and a plug up her butt.”

Hmm. Perhaps he was right.

“Might have unlodged the stick up her ass.”


He winked at her.

He was so naughty sometimes. She finished the lines with a sigh and handed the pad over to him. He looked over them solemnly.

“Very good, button. Now, you can stand up and lean over the counter.”

“What? Why? I don’t need any more spankings!”

“I’m not giving you another spanking, although while you’re in Little space, I won’t hesitate to pop your butt if you’re naughty. And unlike at work, I won’t care who is around.”

“Daddy, you can’t!”

He just gave her a look. She sighed then leaned over the counter, her face flushing as he parted her bottom cheeks. He twisted the plug around before drawing it out. Inch by agonizing inch.

Her pussy was wet, her clit throbbing. She wriggled, trying to find some friction.

“None of that,” he growled, slamming his hand down on her ass. “If this wasn’t punishment, then you’d be allowed to come. But you’ve been naughty and you just have to wait. Now, let’s get you cleaned up and ready to go shopping.”

Cleaned up? He couldn’t mean he was going to…

Yep he did, she realized a few minutes later when he carried her into the bathroom.

“Stand facing the mirror, hands on the counter, legs spread.”

She watched him as he wet a cloth under the water. “I can clean myself up, Daddy. I’m a big girl.”

“You’re a Little girl,” he countered. “

And Little girls can’t manage to clean themselves properly. That’s why they need their Daddy to help them.”

She pressed her legs together as he wiped the cloth over her slick pussy lips. He was standing side-on to her, his right hand holding the cloth. Which meant he was easily able to smack her ass several times with his other hand.

She groaned.

“Open up for me.”

Her legs parted almost of their own volition as he then moved the cloth to clean the excess lube from her ass.

“Daddy, please!”

“All clean,” he finally said. Thank goodness, because if she had to stand there for much longer, she thought she might have self-combusted from embarrassment.

He took hold of her hand and led her into his bedroom and dug out a pair of her plain, dark blue panties.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic