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“W-what did you learn, Daddy?”

“I learned that I have to keep a much closer eye on you. My button is very disobedient when she’s given too much leeway. I think she requires more time under Daddy’s watchful care.” He pressed his finger inside her ass as he spoke, listening to her quiet gasps and groans.

“Daddy, please, it stings.”

“Relax.” He thrust his finger in and out until she started to wriggle around for an entirely different reason, her moans moving to ones of arousal.

Poor button wasn’t going to get to come, though.

He slid another finger in, moving slowly. The plug was a beginner’s one and wasn’t any bigger than his two fingers. But he wanted to make certain she was nicely prepared.

He drew his fingers out, pushed them back in. “That’s it, button. Open up for Daddy. Good girl.”

Removing his fingers, he reached for the plug and slowly coated it with lube, building her anticipation.

“I’m going to need your help, button.”

“My…my help?”

“Hmm. Reach behind you and pull your ass cheeks apart for me.”

“I can’t do that!”

“Sure you can,” he said in a low voice. “Do it now.”

He knew it was going to be hard for her to obey him. But this was another step in learning to listen to him.

“I’m going to count to three, button. If you don’t part your bottom cheeks, I’m going to take off my belt and redden them.”

She gasped and he almost broke into a grin.

“So mean, Daddy.”

“One. Yes, I know. Daddy is very mean. Especially since I know you’re aroused from having me touch your bottom.”



Her hands moved back and parted the firm cheeks, revealing her entrance once more.

“That’s my good girl. Here’s the plug. Deep breath in. Let it out slowly. There you are. You look so pretty taking the plug for Daddy.” He slid the plug deep as she breathed out, her fingers pressing tightly into her bottom cheeks.

When it was firmly entrenched inside her asshole, he took a moment just to stare down at her.

He was one lucky bastard that was for sure.

She shifted around on the stool at the kitchen counter, feeling the plug shift in her ass. How was she supposed to concentrate on writing damn lines when there was a piece of plastic up her ass? Not to mention that her bottom still stung from the spanking he’d given her.

Well, if you want to avoid punishment you know what to do…


With a sigh, she wrote another line. Did he know how long it took to write a hundred lines? It sucked.

“How are you getting on, button?”

“Daddy, this is too hard. And my bottom hurts!”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic