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“Why would I give her space? I can’t even stand to have her out of my sight. I give her space, I’m likely to end up stalking her ass.”

“Jesus,” Duke muttered. “Just make certain she knows she has choices, huh?”

“I’m not a fucking asshole.”

Ink’s phone rang and he sighed. Christ. Now he was gonna have to find a new receptionist on top of everything else. When all he wanted to do was spend time with Betsy. He drew out his phone, frowning as he saw Matthieu’s name.

“What’s up? The boys okay?”

“Oh, they’re fucking fine,” Matthieu replied in his French accent. An accent that only came out when he was upset.

“What’s wrong?”

“They fucking drugged me! Then they stole my car!”

“They what?”

“It is only because of our long-standing relationship that I have not called the police!” Matthieu was an odd guy. Ink had never once heard him swear. Or lose his temper. Seemed like he was close to completely losing his shit.

“Okay, calm down. Why would they do that?”

“I do not know.” The other man took a ragged breath in. “They were asking me a lot of questions last night. About why their mother would send me to get them and where was she and why they could not speak to her.”

“Shit. They figured out something is going on.”

“They are not stupid,” Matthieu growled. “They were in the midst of organizing a large rebellion at that school. Had they been left there long, I have no doubts they would have stormed the gates. One of them is bad enough, but two…they could take over the world. They’d charm the knickers from a nun.”

He’d grin at Matthieu?

?s words if he hadn’t lost the two people that Betsy had risked her life to keep safe.

“Shit. Okay. I’ll get someone to track them down. I’ll get your car back.”

He knew Matthieu considered that car his baby.

“If there are any scratches on her…”

“I’ll pay for them.” He ended the call.

“Boys have gone?” Duke asked with a frown.

“Yep. Fuck.” This was a nightmare he didn’t need.

And what the hell was he going to tell Betsy?


“Did a glitter bomb go off in here?”

There was glitter all over the coffee table, their hands, their hair and the floor. He was shocked any glitter had actually made it onto the picture they were decorating.

Both girls glanced up at him guiltily. But he caught the way Betsy’s lips twitched.

“This place is a mess.”

“Daddy doesn’t like glitter,” she said to Sunny.

Daddy, huh? She must be feeling comfortable with Sunny. Satisfaction filled him. He wanted her deeply entrenched in his life, with his friends. He wanted her happy.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic