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Ink walked back through the offices with Duke, toward the safe room. The camera feed from the room was coming through to his phone. He’d checked on her several times while he’d met with Duke and Brody.

But he still needed to be close to her.

As he and Duke passed by the back of the reception area, he heard Jana cackling. “Oh my God, it’s so pathetic. You should see them in there, they’re coloring and putting glitter on everything. Like they’re four or something. I know! Nah, there’s a viewing panel you can turn on to see in. Privacy? Why should she get any privacy, apparently, she’s been shacked up with some psycho. I know. And now she thinks she’s a child. So weird.”

“Fucking bitch,” Duke muttered.

He clenched his hands into fists. He strode forward. “Jana!”

She nearly fell off her chair. She turned, her phone clanging to the floor. “Shit! Damn it, Ink! You could have broken it. You would have paid for it if you did.”

“Get your stuff and get out.” He brought out his phone and called Stone.


“Jana is fired. Come escort her out for me. Tell Brody to wipe her security clearances.”

“With pleasure.”

“Fired! You can’t fire me!” Jana whined.

“Just did. You were inexcusably rude about a client.”

Well, technically Betsy wasn’t a client. She was far more important than that.

Jana’s face twisted up in a sneer. “Yeah? You sleep with every client we have in the safe room, boss? Or just the ones that fulfill some weird sexual fantasy for you?”

“Enough,” he said sharply. “What I do or don’t do is none of your business. Your work has been subpar for months. You’re constantly late, you’re rude to everyone and I only put up with it because of Jay.”

Jana didn’t even flinch at the mention of his name.

“But insulting my woman and my friend is the last straw. Pack up your shit and get out.”

“Got nothing here I want and I was gonna quit anyway. I don’t need this shitty job or crap pay. Got someone far better to go to.”

“Good,” Stone interjected, walking into the reception area. “I’m more than pleased to get rid of you.”

Jana just glared at him then she picked up her bag. She slung it over her shoulder and stormed out with Stone following, a huge smile on his usually emotionless face.

“Shit.” Ink ran his fingers through his hair.

“What a bitch,” Duke muttered. “You should have fired her a long time ago.”

“Yeah, I know. Thank God, Betsy and Sunny didn’t hear her talking about them like that.” He’d hate to think what it would have done to Betsy. Her self-esteem was dragging on the ground. She needed care and attention, not to have someone belittling her like that.

“What happens once you meet with Forrest and she can leave the safe room?” Duke asked.

Ink scowled. “I’ll move her to my place. It’s almost as secure as this building and few people know where it is.”

“And that’s not moving too fast for Betsy? She’s had a lot happen in a short amount of time. So have you. You sure you’re ready to have her live with you?”

“I’ll give her as much time as she needs to adjust. I’m not gonna jump on her. But I need her under my protection.”

“Look, I know you’ve been searching for someone special. Just make sure she’s the one. ‘Cause that girl might have a strong core, but she’s also vulnerable and fragile right now.”

“I’m not gonna fucking hurt her. I’d never hurt her.”

“All I’m saying is that she’s just gotten free from Forrest’s hold and before that it sounds like she was controlled by her husband. Maybe you should just give her some space to adapt.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic