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Was that a note of disappointment in her voice? Did she want him to keep touching her?

“What were you doing? Did you make dinner? I thought you couldn’t cook?”

“I was watching the oven. I didn’t. And I can’t.”

He drew back to peer down at her quizzically. She blushed slightly. “Abby dropped by with a shepherd’s pie. She said just to heat it up in the oven. But I wasn’t sure what temperature to put it on or how long it should be in there for. And I couldn’t Google it because I don’t have my phone.”

Oh crap. That reminded him of the bags he’d dropped as he’d rushed to get to her. He’d check them soon. If the phone was broken then it was broken.

“You didn’t ask Abby?”

She looked down. “I didn’t want her to think I was an idiot.”

“Hey.” He grabbed her chin, tilting her face up. “Nobody would think you are an idiot, least of all Abby. She’s one of the sweetest people I know.”

“I know. I just feel stupid for not knowing something so simple.”

“If you’ve never had to do it and haven’t had anyone to teach you then how are you supposed to know?” he said simply. “Ellie can’t cook to save her life, but nobody thinks anything less of her. Now, that’s the last time I want to hear you refer to yourself as an idiot, understand me?”

“Yes, sir.”

Oh, he liked the sound of that. But he’d like to hear her call him Daddy more.

“Good girl. Now, I’ll figure out what’s going on with the shepherd’s pie. Have you had your insulin?”


“Why don’t you go get your bag?”

“Okay.” She disappeared and he glanced around. Were the floors shinier than they had been?

He drew out the shepherd’s pie and checked it. Bit crispy on top but otherwise it was fine. He’d let it rest for a few moments.

When Marisol returned, he grabbed her hand and drew her towards him.

“I spoke to Ed today,” he told her gently.

She tensed up. “What did he say? Did he see Tiger? What happened?”

“By the time he got to your aunt’s place last night, most of the Devil’s Sinners were gone. However, he had a chat with your aunt and Saber. Told them he was looking for Tiger.”

“Did he say why?” Fear thrummed through her.

“No, Mari-girl. But Saber told him that Tiger wasn’t even in the state. That he was in Seattle. And that if his son was being accused of something, he’d like to know because he was certain his son had plenty of alibis.”

“Oh God, Saber doesn’t even know what he’s done and already he’s setting Tiger up with alibis.”

Yeah. The fucking asshole.

“They wouldn’t let Ed take a look around, so there is no way of knowing if he’s there or not. Not unless you want to press charges.”

“I . . . I . . . they’ll all come after me.”

He nodded. “That’s my gut feeling too. I told Ed I didn’t think you would change your mind. Hopefully, the bastard is gone.”

But his gut said that even if he had, he’d be back. But Linc had no intentions of letting him harm Marisol.

“How long is he going to be a threat to me?” she whispered.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic