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“The way he talked about me, he really thinks I’m his possession.”

“What’s his name, Marisol?” Ed asked. “Don’t think I haven’t noticed that you deliberately haven’t said his name or his father’s.”

She sighed forlornly. “It’s Tiger.”

“Tiger? Tiger Mason?” Ed snapped.

“Yes.” She winced. “So you have heard of him?”

Ed closed his eyes for a moment, looking pained. “Are you saying that your aunt’s boyfriend is Saber Mason?”

“Saber and Tiger? Really?” Linc asked.

“After they go through initiation, they’re given a new name,” Ed explained. “For the higher up guys, it’s related to an animal.”

“The guys were on the news. The ones that turned up murdered. They were called Jackal and Falcon,” she told Linc.

“And Saber Mason is the top of the chain,” Ed said grimly. “He’s the leader of all the branches. Fuck. Why di

d your aunt come here? Because of them?”

“I don’t know. Maybe. We move around a lot. Texas, Arizona, California. Then here. Saber used to travel between Washington and Texas and Arizona a lot. My aunt would go visit him in Seattle too.”

“The Devil’s Kings run Texas and Arizona. Saber’s brother is their leader,” Ed said.

“I didn’t know that,” she said quietly. She felt so tiny in Linc’s arms. So defenseless. He wanted to wrap her up in layers of safety and never let her go.

He kissed the top of her head.

“I’ve tried to keep my distance from them. Saber has always creeped me out. Tiger has only been around the last year. I think maybe I heard something about him being with his uncle.”

“Probably training with the Devil’s Kings,” Ed said. “Shit. Marisol, I really wish you’d change your mind about pressing charges.”

“I . . . I don’t know. It’s my word against his.”

“At least let me take photos of your neck. Just in case you change your mind.”

“All right. I suppose we should do that.”

“I don’t want him coming after her,” Linc stated. “I want them gone from town.” And far away from Marisol. The sooner this bastard forgot about her, the better.

“You and me both,” Ed replied dryly. “I’ll go out there, my deputies are still hanging close by so they can go in with me. I’ll have a word. Make Tiger and Saber see that leaving town for good would be the best possible idea.”

“They’ll know I talked to you,” Marisol said worriedly.

“Don’t worry, I won’t mention your name. Your aunt has been with him for a long time?”


“And she owns several spas, yes?” Ed asked.

“Uh, yes. She’s opened a number across the country. Why?”

“Places where the Devil’s Sinners have set up branches?” Ed asked her.

“Well. I don’t always pay attention, but yeah, I guess so. The last one she opened was in Seattle, but I never worked at that one. I stayed back in San Diego.”

She shivered in Linc’s arms and he tightened his hold on her. “He will not harm you. You’re coming home with me and I will keep you safe.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic