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“There, there, baby girl. It’s all done now. Good girl. Such a good girl.”

Gently he turned her then he lay back on the sofa with her on his chest, running his hand up and down her back as he whispered to her, settling her down.

“How are you, teeny?”

“That hurt.” Her bottom was still throbbing. She reached down and rubbed at her bottom.

“Uh-uh, no rubbing allowed. I’d make you go sit in time-out again, but it’s time for your nap.”

Well, she was thankful that at least she didn’t have to sit on that hard stool. She didn’t think she’d be able to stay still.

“And it was meant to hurt. It was punishment. To make you stop and think before disobeying Daddy again.”

She laid her cheek against his chest, listening to his heart beat. “I is sorry, Daddy.”

“I know, teeny. And all is forgiven now.”

“It is?”

“Yep. A punishment wipes the slate clean.”

“Oh, that’s good.” She yawned, suddenly exhausted.

“You feeling okay? Other than this hot bottom?” He squeezed one cheek, making her squeal.



“Yes, I is okay.” Another yawn.

“Good girl. Let’s get you down for your nap.”

He sat them up then stood with her cradled against his chest, her front pressed to his, his arm under her hot ass, supporting her. She wrapped her arms and legs around him with a tired sigh. For once, she didn’t feel like protesting taking a nap. She should, out of principle, but the thought of snuggling down in the sheets made her want to purr like a kitten.

He set her down next to the bed and stripped off her hoodie, T-shirt and bra. Then he helped her into one of his T-shirts. Then he drew the covers down as she reached for her bag to test her blood sugar levels. It was part of her routine to test before her nap.

“Go potty, too,” Linc told her.

“Don’t hafta,” she replied as she walked towards the bathroom to wash her hands.

“Marisol, go potty. Or do you need Daddy to take you?”

“I is going. I is going.”

She noticed he was fiddling with something on the nightstand but she didn’t pay much attention. She walked back into the bedroom, having peed, much to her annoyance. Daddy didn’t have to be right all the time. She saw there was a camera on the nightstand aimed her way.

“What’s this, Daddy?”

“The baby monitor. It’s a camera one so I can watch you on it. Today, I want you to wait in bed until I come get you. I’ll see when you wake up so I won’t be long. If you need to leave the bed, call out for me. If it’s anything to do with your health then that trumps everything and you do what you need to do. That make sense?”

“Yes, Daddy.”

He drew back the covers and tucked her firmly into bed. Then he handed her Princess Nana and her snuggly.

“I’m going to get you a bottle of water. Want to try the pacifier we bought? I washed it for you.”

“Okay, I’ll try it, Daddy.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic