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And are you complaining?

Hell. No.


Marisol looked at the packages longingly.

They were all stacked in the living room, waiting to be opened. They were calling to her.

Open me, Marisol. Open me.

How was she supposed to resist? She’d waited sooo long already. Honestly, it felt like Linc had been gone for days not hours. When was he coming home? It had to be soon, right?

She’d been here four nights now. A whole lot of packages had arrived this morning, but it had been easier to resist their pull when she was busy reading Caley’s book.

But she’d just finished it. And she was on her own with nothing to do.

Surely opening one of them would be okay, right?

How long was it until Linc got home? Two hours. And then she’d have to eat lunch and have a nap before she was allowed to open anything.

That just wasn’t fair.

She’d open one then rewrap it. He’d never know. Marisol tiptoed over to the packages, even though there was no one in the house other than her. She grabbed a small package. Opening it up, she let out a delighted cry as she saw the box of building blocks inside. She couldn’t wait to build something.


xcitement flooded her. Maybe she should just peek at something else. She grabbed another package and opened it up. Ooh. It was her crafting stuff. This was so much fun. Look at all the glitter. She couldn’t wait to create something with this.

This was even better than Christmas.

Linc climbed out of his truck and stretched. Last night as his baby slept, he’d gotten all caught up on paperwork so he could spend the afternoon with her. After her nap, of course. He thought most of the stuff he’d ordered was here, so he’d unpack some while she was sleeping and set up her playroom.

He was looking forward to spending more time with her Little. He hadn’t pushed her on it, wanting her to open up on her own. But he figured this would help her relax more and put her in the right headspace.

Tonight, he might also convince her to let him bathe her. He’d ordered some special toys for the bath. For her big and her Little.

He had to adjust himself before he entered the house. His cock seemed to be constantly hard. He dreamed about her sweet pussy. Christ, he couldn’t think of her pussy right now or he’d have to go take a cold shower.

After taking off his jacket and boots, he walked into the living room. “Mari-girl? Where are you?”

He came to a complete stop.

Holy. Shit.

The living room was a mess of packaging, toys, clothes and flat-pack furniture. Marisol turned from where she was pouring glitter onto a piece of cardstock. But as she turned, the glitter continued to pour out.

Right onto the carpet.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

He closed his eyes for a moment. In. Out. In. Out.

“Daddy? Daddy, are you okay?”

In. Out. It was just a mess. It was easily tidied up. That glitter might be an issue but that was what vacuum cleaners were for.

“Daddy? Oh God, have I killed you?”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic