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“What’s wrong with you?” she blurted out. Then she winced. That wasn’t very polite.

“Lots of things apparently. According to you, I’m mean. I’m not sweet. I’m too rule-driven. I’m. . .”

“Okay, but besides all of that. Really? You don’t eat ice cream?”

“Nah. I’m not big on sweet stuff.”

“I love sweet things.” She took a mouthful, and something crunched in her mouth. “Did you put sprinkles in this?”

He sat next to her, wrapping his big arm around her shoulders. “Sprinkles make everything better, right?”

“How did you know that?”

“I saw you decorating cupcakes the other day with Estelle.”

She bit her lip. “You did?”

“Yep. It was the first real sign I had that you might be a Little. You looked cute with icing all over your face, your tongue out as you concentrated on spreading your sprinkles.”

“A Little?” she asked with trepidation.

“Oh, right yeah. We’re going to wait and talk about that tomorrow.”

“We are?”



“Needs to be talked about. Need to talk about limits. How young you think you are. Do we need diapers? Are you comfortable with spanking being used as a punishment? Is there anything about your health I have to be aware of? And that’s just the Little stuff. Need to talk about sex too.”

“I. . .we. . .we do?” she managed to get out. Go her. Because he had quite literally blown her mind. Seriously. She wasn’t sure how she was still breathing right now.

“Yeah. Are you okay with bondage? With anal sex? Is there anything I need to be aware of with your sexual history?”

Well, that part would be a short conversation.

“So are you. . .are you a Daddy Dom?”


Caleb had warned her.

“But we’re not talking about this tonight. Everything is too new. You need time to adjust. We’ll talk tomorrow.”

“And by tomorrow, I would have adjusted?”

He shifted, lowering his free hand to rub her belly. Okay, that was bliss. “I thought so. Do you need longer? We could schedule this talk for the day after?”

“Do you think it’s kind of a bit odd to schedule a talk like this?”

“How else will we know to have it?”

“We could have it right now.”

“You’re meant to be relaxing. You shouldn’t be stressed before bed. Might affect your sleep. You don’t sleep well as it is.”

“When you saw me sleepwalking how did I act? I didn’t do anything embarrassing, did I?”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic