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“That was kind of rude.”

He just shrugged and started rifling in the bag. “Pads or tampons?”

“Bain! Give me the bag?”


“Bain! Give. Me. The. Bag.”

He sighed and handed it over then watched as she pulled out the sanitary products.

“I’ll be back soon.” Her face was beet red.

He grabbed her wrist as she walked towards the attached bathroom. This wasn’t acceptable. He couldn’t have her embarrassed.

“Look at me, angel.”

“Bain, I really have to—”


She raised her head quickly, staring at him in shock.


“You said please. You never say please.”

“I say please.”

She shook her head. “Never. I’ve never heard you say it.”

“I’m mean and I don’t have manners. I sound charming.”

“Surprisingly, you are. In your own Bain-like way.”

He had no idea what that meant. But this wasn’t why he’d stopped her. “Don’t know why you’re so embarrassed. You don’t need to hide any of this from me. You get a period. You have cramps. You need some extra care from me. Angel, whatever you need. I’m here. You need me to go get you stuff, I’ll do it. You need me to massage your back, get you a heating pad, run you a bath. I can do that too. Just don’t hide anything from me. I don’t do well with that.”

Understanding filled her face. “Right. Okay. I. . .just. . .periods weren’t talked about in my house growing up. They were kind of a taboo subject. My mother didn’t even explain any of this to me. She bought me some stuff and sent me a link to information online. I’m not used to talking about it. Or having anyone take care of me.”

He pulled her close and hugged her tight. “That’s all going to change. Now, I’ll go warm up your heating pad and then meet you in the living room.”


It felt kind of surreal.

She was tucked up in the corner sofa in her living room. Bain had placed a heating pad over her tummy. He’d also grabbed a blanket from his closet and was currently tucking it around her.

This nurturing side of him was a surprise, she wasn’t going to lie.

He handed her a bowl of with some of the ice cream she’d asked Dominic to get. Yum. Rocky Road. Caramel was her favorite. But in times like this nothing would do but Rocky Road. She spooned up some.

“Where’s your ice cream?” she asked.

“Don’t eat ice cream.”

She froze and stared up at him as he grabbed the remotes for the T.V. “You don’t eat ice cream?”


Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic