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This softer side of him was almost harder to take. Because it made her wish she could have more. That he found her attractive.

She couldn’t believe she’d forced herself on him like that.

So embarrassing.

“I’m fine.” She turned to Joe. “You and Estelle head home, Joe. Take a few days off.”

Joe nodded but wouldn’t meet her gaze for some reason. She frowned. She knew she should insist that both he and Estelle retire. They were staying on because of her and it wasn’t fair.

Before she could ask him if anything was wrong, though, Estelle came storming down the passage. “Did you tell her, you old fool?”

Joe shuffled his feet. “No.”

“Tell me what? Is everything okay?”

“No, it’s not okay. At all.” Estelle glared at Joe with a mix of anger and hurt.

She frowned. She couldn’t remember Joe and Estelle ever fighting. “What’s going on?”

“What’s going on is that this asshole took money from Larry to spy on you!” Estelle pointed at Joe.

“W-what?” Why would Joe do that?

Pain engulfed her. Joe and Estelle were hers. She’d hired them. Not her parents. Not Larry. She’d thought they were loyal to her.

“I’m so sorry, Miss Ari,” Joe turned towards her. “Got myself into a bit of trouble betting on the horses. Needed some money quick. Larry made me an offer a while ago that he’d pay me to keep an eye on you. I thought, what was the harm? It was me who told him about Dominic and Bain arriving.”

“Oh.” Oh? That was all she could say considering his betrayal?

“And the rest,” Estelle urged.

“Last night he paid me to take him home rather than follow the plan to pick you up at the second spot. I’m so sorry. He did tell me that you knew I was taking him home. But I kind of knew he was lying.”

Estelle sniffed. “I’m so sorry. We’ve betrayed your trust and I know you don’t trust many people.”

“It’s not your fault,” she said to Estelle. She couldn’t believe this. How could Joe do this to her?

“No, but I’m married to this old coot. I’m afraid we have to hand in our resignation. At least, before you fire us. I have all our stuff together. We’ll leave now.”

Tears welled but she forced herself not to let them free. She felt Bain move up behind her.

“I’m going to miss you,” she whispered.

Estelle blinked back her own tears. “I’ve thought of you as a daughter.”

She moved to the older woman, hugging her gently before stepping back. She couldn’t look at Joe.

“I’m sorry, Miss Ari. Maybe someday you’ll forgive me.”

She didn’t say anything. Couldn’t say anything. What else could possibly go wrong?

“Ari?” Bain asked after they were gone.

She shook her head. She couldn’t look at him right now. If she did, she might break. And right now, she didn’t have time to lose it. Maybe later. . .when she was alone, she could deal with all of this.

Joe and Estelle were gone. She had a stalker. Larry had done what Larry usually did. Exactly what he wanted.

He’d paid Joe to spy on her. Anger filled her. She started striding down the passage, following the sounds of voices coming from the living room.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic