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“Thing is. . . reason I pushed you away before when you kissed me is—”

“I’m not your type, it’s all right I get it.”

He shifted, turning towards her. “No. Don’t think you do. I—”

“I’m sorry I kissed you,” she said quickly. “It won’t happen again. I promise. I misread the situation. I thought you wanted to kiss me and I’m more embarrassed than I can say, so you don’t have to worry I’ll force myself on you.”

“Force yourself on me? Arianna, that’s not—” he growled as his phone rang. He pulled it out and looked at it. Then he put it down. “I—”

“I know you probably think I’m like her, but I’m not. I—”

His phone went off again and he answered it. “What? Yeah. . .right. . .thanks.” He ended the call and pressed the button to slide down the privacy screen.

“Joe, that was Dominic. He’s had to call in some extra security to clear the entranceway for us.”

“The vultures are circling. Might be able to catch one or two on my grill.”

“Joe,” Arianna scolded gently.

“Aww, come on, Miss Ari. You never let me have some fun. After they published that stuff about you having wild orgy parties, I’ve been dying to get a hold of a few of them.”

Arianna blushed, shaking her head at him. “Joe, you know no one believes that stuff anyway.”

“Wouldn’t be so sure of that, Miss Ari. Lots of crazies out there that will believe anything.”

He drove towards the entrance to the underground garage and she groaned at the crowds that had gathered. Not just paparazzi but fans as well.

She sat back, rubbing her temples as a headache gathered. She was probably going to have to make a statement. She hated this part.

Joe moved slowly along while Bain watched the crowd. “What the fuck was Larry thinking?”

“Larry was thinking what Larry always thinks. About himself,” Joe commented as they finally made their way underground.

“Rob is going to have a fit about all the people in front of the building,” she muttered. “All the other people who live here are going to be upset. I need to send them all something as an apology.”

“You’re worried about the other people in the building?” Bain asked incredulously.

“Miss Ari always worries about other people,” Joe commented casually. “Always puts everyone else first. Haven’t you figured that out yet? Or are you like everyone else and think just because she’s shy and quiet that she must be a bitch.”

“Joe,” she scolded. She quickly climbed out of the car before either man could help her, embarrassed at Joe’s words.

Bain quickly moved to her side. “Don’t do that again.”


“Don’t climb out of a car before I’m there. I’m your protection. Use me.”

“You think someone could get in here? But this is a secure garage.”

“Not that secure. Don’t do that again. Understand?” His tone was short, gruff. Not like the man who’d been talking to her earlier in the car. The ogre was back.

He kept close to her as they made their way up to her apartment. When they got inside, she expected to feel relieved that she was home. Instead, she kind of wished she could walk back out the door and never return. Everything felt like it was weighing down on her. Making it hard for her to breathe.

She rubbed at her chest.

“Ari? You all right?” he asked quietly.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic