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“Daddy,” she groaned.

“Sh. There isn’t a part of you that doesn’t belong to me. That I don’t want to touch and explore. Nothing that is dirty or forbidden, understand? You don’t have to be embarrassed or ashamed.”

Easy for him to say. It wasn’t his asshole on display. He ran his finger down over her bottom hole and she clenched tight.

“Relax, baby girl. Let Daddy in.” He leaned forward and grabbed the lube and anal plug. Then he placed the plug by her hand. “Hold onto this for Daddy.”

“I. . .I can’t hold onto it!” Was he crazy?

“Why not? It’s brand new. It’s soon going to be inside your pretty little bottom, so you might want to get used to it.”

He was crazy. Insane. Unbelievable.

And she had to be all those things too because she was so turned on right now. She carefully took hold of the anal plug, holding it gingerly.

“Easy, baby. It won’t bite. I promise.”

She scowled and stuck out her tongue, safe in the knowledge that he couldn’t see her.

“Did you just stick out your tongue?”

She gasped. “How did you know?”

“Daddies always know these things.”

Uh-huh. She glared and looked around, only to spot her reflection in the mirror above the fireplace mantel.

Macca grinned at her unrepentantly. Even giving her a finger wave. She snorted. Daddies saw everything, huh?

“We have our ways,” he told her in a deep voice. “You’d do well to remember that, little girl.”

She watched in the mirror; eyes wide as he parted her bottom cheeks with one hand then squirted the lube directly onto her asshole. She squealed as the cool liquid hit her.

Oh hell. Oh Christ.

She gave a low moan as he pressed his finger against her bottom, slowly pushing the digit inside her. She should probably close her eyes. Probably shouldn’t watch the finger disappear inside her ass. But it was so hot. Her clit throbbed. She wanted that finger to breach her ass while his cock took her pussy. Her thighs rubbed together as she wiggled back and forth.


She let out a small screec

h as he slapped his hand against her ass cheek. “What did I say about staying still?”

“I can’t,” she moaned as he moved his finger. In and out. Slow, steady movements. She was on fire. She needed more. She was so greedy for him. She couldn’t get enough.

As if he seemed to sense her thoughts, and she was fairly certain she hadn’t said that out loud, he added another finger. The burn, the slight pain. . .

It was delicious.

Her breathing grew erratic. “Please, please, I need more.”

“More what, sweet pea?”

“I need to come. I need your finger on my clit. Please. Please.”

“Hm, I’m not really sure that naughty girls get to come.” He drew his fingers free and she let out a loud groan of protest. He couldn’t be for real, right? He didn’t mean it?

“Please! That’s so mean!”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic