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“You don’t owe me anything, Gigi,” he told her seriously. As he spoke his hand was rubbing her bottom. It stirred her. Made her wish she could feel him inside her, taking her, claiming her.

And she didn’t agree. She owed him more than she could ever repay.

“Lift your hips up,” he ordered her in a husky voice. Then he tugged her shorts and panties over her bottom, revealing the creamy skin. Her breath caught. What was he going to do? Was he really going to spank her? Or was he going to do something else?

He gave her right cheek a squeeze then a light tap that made her groan. It was more arousing than painful. He did the same to her left cheek.

He crouched next to her, lightly kissing her lips. “I’m going to go get us both something to eat and your meds. I want you to lie just like this, because for the rest of the day you’re not allowed to wear any bottoms.”

Her heart leapt into her throat. Was he kidding her? But as she glanced up into his face, she saw he was deadly serious.

“But. . .but. . .” Shoot! Why hadn’t she worn a longer t-shirt today? Something that would cover her ass and pussy? But no, after getting home she’d gotten changed into shorts and a tight tank top.

“Lie there. Do not move.” He gave her a harder smack this time and she groaned. This was totally not the way she thought this day would go. He quickly returned with some ham and cheese sandwiches and her meds. He helped her sit on her poor, aching bottom then hovered over her until she’d taken all of her medication. Then he sat on the coffee table and held a sandwich to her lips.

“Eat, little miss.”

She slowly and silently ate then waited until he’d cleaned up and returned to address her, uh, lack of clothing.

“Can I put my shorts back on, Daddy?”

He gave her a stern look. “You heard what I said.”

“But. . .but I can’t go around half-naked all day.”

“Well luckily for you it’s getting late so it’s only a few hours. Also with how red and sore your bottom is about to be, you’ll probably thank me.”

Oh, that wasn’t ominous sounding at all.

“I need a few supplies. I’ll be back in a minute. Make certain you don’t move.” He checked her foot before he left. “That’s looking much better. Good. Means I don’t have to wait to punish you.”

She groaned into Bunnykins’ belly. “Help me, Bunnykins. Don’t you have any special bunny magic that will make Daddy realize he doesn’t want to punish me?”

Bunnykins was no help.

Damn rabbit.

“Are you cursing your stuffy, little one?” Daddy asked as he returned, holding a bottle of lubricant and a. . .an anal plug.

Oh, fuck. She was in so much trouble.

“Daddy, I think we should talk about this,” she said nervously.

“Time for talk is over, baby girl. You do the crime; you do the time.”

“All I did was forget my shoes,” she wailed.

“You were told not to go walking around without something on your feet last time that happened, though, weren’t you? And we’re not just talking about forgetting your shoes. That might have gotten you a few smacks on the butt, but you forgot to eat and you forgot your meds. Now, that was partly my fault for not reminding you. Which is why I’m only using my hand and not getting Nan’s wooden hairbrush out to use on your naughty bottom.”

She definitely did not want a repeat of the hair brush.

Macca placed both the lube and anal plug on the coffee table then he lifted her lower half and slid beneath her so her middle was lying on his lap. Her ass perfectly positioned for him to spank her.

And do other things. . .

Her mouth went dry and she gave a small gasp as he dragged her underwear and shorts down her legs and threw them onto the floor. Then he grasped hold of her ass cheeks.

“Spread your legs. That’s it. Good girl. I’m going to do some exploring. Your job is to stay nice and still. You don’t have to remain quiet, in fact I insist that you make as much noise as you like and hold nothing back.” He pushed her ass cheeks wide and she made a noise of protest, knowing he could see her puckered entrance.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic