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“What the fuck is that slut doing here?”

“I warned you about what would happen if you called her that,” Macca said in a low voice.

His father made a derisive noise but she thought she saw fear in his gaze.

“I don’t want her in here,” he spat out. “I’m trying to have a few last moments with my mother and I don’t need to be sitting across from her.”

Macca grew even more tense. She squeezed his hand. As much as she wanted to be here for him, and for herself, his dad had a point. Penny was his mother. She didn’t truly belong here.

“It’s okay,” she whispered. “I’ll wait outside. Come and get me if you need me.” She hated leaving him, but she didn’t want to create any problems.

“Make yourself useful and get us some coffee,” his father barked.

Macca turned to glare at him. “She doesn’t work for you.”

“With the money we’ve paid her for doing nothing, it’s the least she can do,” his father snarled.

“It’s all right. I don’t mind getting coffee.” It would give her something to do. Make her feel that she was helping, at least in some small way.

Macca reached into his back pocket and grabbed his wallet, handing it to her.

“Careful, son, wouldn’t go giving that whore access to your wallet, she’ll clean you out.”

“You fucking—” Macca took a step forward, his hands clenched into fists.

“I’ll be back soon,” she told him quickly, wrapping her hand down his forearm as though she thought she might be able to stop him from launching himself at his bastard of a father. “Just sit with Penny. Ignore him.”

Macca turned his gaze

to her. His eyes were stormy and filled with pain. Her heart ached for him. She needed to bring him whatever peace she could. “Please, sit with your Nan. She’d want you here.”

He gave her an abrupt nod.

The next few hours were some of the worst in her life. And that was saying something. She paced up and down the corridor outside Penny’s room. Sometimes she went out and grabbed coffee and food. Then soon after lunch, Macca stepped out of the room, looking pale and shell-shocked.

“She’s gone,” he said to her.

She stood and raced for him, wrapping her thin arms around him, squeezing him tight. He buried his face in her neck but didn’t say a word. She murmured soft words to him. Wanting to reassure him that she was here.

“Jesus, I thought the Navy would have hardened you up, boy. But here you are sniveling into the slut’s chest.”

“You old bastard!” Macca swung around but she clung tight.

“Don’t!” she told him. “Not here!”

“Pussy whipped,” the older man snarled then strode past both of them.

Macca took one breath then another. When he stared down at her, his eyes were dry but there was a lot of banked emotion in there.

“He’s not worth it,” she told him.

He closed his eyes and let out a shuddering breath. “I have to make arrangements.”

She shook her head. “Most of it has been taken care of.”

He gave her a surprised look.

“When Penny was diagnosed, she set things up. She knew what she wanted.” She gave him a small smile, her own tears hovering. She blinked them back, knowing she had to stay strong for him.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic