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She wouldn’t sit comfortably for a week.

“Maybe for the rest of the day,” he told her. Smack! Smack! Oh crap! “And you might feel it tomorrow too.”

“Daddy, no more! No more! Owie! Ow!”

“Ten more with my hand. Then the hairbrush.”

“Nooo!” She couldn’t take it. She tried to twist around, but he held her still. She reached back with one hand, knowing it was futile. He simply grabbed hold of her hand, pinning it to the small of her back. Shit. Shit.

“Daddy wants you safe. Always. Now the hairbrush. This is going to sting, baby girl.”

The flat, wooden back landed against her bottom. She sucked in a breath and screamed as it landed again, in a different spot. Oh God. Oh God. It hurt so bad! She gasped in breath but he spanked her without a pause, covering her ass with that torturous item.

She wasn’t even aware of when he stopped, she was too deep in her misery, her breath sobbing in and out of her lungs. Tears and snot dripped down her face.

Bad. It was so bad.

He rubbed her lower back for a few minutes, giving her a chance to come down. Then she was turned and lifted. He stood, carrying her in his arms. She buried her face in his chest. God, that hurt so bad. She felt herself lowered onto a bed and held against a large, warm chest. She cried, not caring that she was making a mess of his t-shirt with her tears, that her throbbing ass was completely on display.

“Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow.”

Macca moved away slightly and she made a grab for him.

“Easy, just getting you a tissue, baby girl.”

He cleaned her up and tucked her against his chest again.

“Hurts. Sore. Ouchie.”

“I know, baby girl.” He ran his fingers through her hair. “But it had to make an impact. I don’t ever want you in danger again. Sh, now. You’re all forgiven for being naughty. Just let Daddy hold you. That’s it. Good girl. You’re my good girl.”

Those words soothed her. And the guilt she’d been carrying melted away.

She liked how a spanking could do that. Wipe the slate clean.

But she wouldn’t be telling Daddy that. Just in case he decided to give her more.


She held his hand the entire drive to the hospice, thanking the fact that he’d gotten an automatic rental car.

Fear and sorrow were a sickening mix in her tummy. The call he’d just received hadn’t been unexpected. Still, she’d never wanted it to come. Penny was nearly gone. And there was nothing she could do.

“You don’t have to come with me,” Macca said in an almost monotone voice. She was so worried about him; it was like he’d retreated into himself. He’d buried himself deep where she couldn’t get him.

“I want to come, D—” she let that word die. He hadn’t called her baby girl, little one or sweet pea since getting the call and she took that as her cue to let things lie for the moment. He had enough on his plate without taking care of her. For once, she was going to look after him.

Determination filled her. Her own sadness wasn’t as important as what Macca was going through. After everything he’d done for her over these few weeks, she owed him this much. He’d taken care of her when she was sick, helped her to explore being Little, he’d even brought her to pleasure when she’d never done anything in return for him.

The fact that they hadn’t had sex surprised her considering the chemistry between them. She knew he was attracted to her. It was just that she was used to all the men in her life only wanting one thing from her. And the one man she truly cared about hadn’t even let her touch his cock.

Don’t think about that now, Gigi. You can work that out later.

They pulled into a park and walked into the white-colored building. While the exterior was austere, the interior was more welcoming. As they reached the door to Penny’s room, he stopped and took a deep breath then reached for her hand. He opened the door and walked in. She stepped in behind him, coming to a sudden stop as she saw the man sitting at Penny’s side.

Well, what did you expect? Of course, he’s going to be here. Only, he’d never shown concern for Penny before so she hadn’t quite expected it now.

He stood, the chair scraping back along the floor. She winced at the sound. Macca stiffened beside her. Maybe he hadn’t expected him to be here either.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic