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He appeared at her side and held out his hand. She took it and he slowly helped her stand, holding onto her hand as he made certain she wasn’t feeling dizzy. He clasped his hands around her waist and turned her to face him.

“Tell Daddy why you had to sit in the corner, little one.”

Well, this sucked. Why did they have to talk about it? Wasn’t the punishment over?

“‘Cause Daddy is a meanie.”

Um. Oops. Stupid non-filter on her mouth. She really hadn’t meant to say that.

He half turned her. And holding her with her side against his chest, his muscular arm pinned under her breasts to keep her still, he gave her five sharp smacks on her bottom.

“Ouch! Owie, Daddy.”

“Want to revise your answer, little girl?”

She glared up at him. He just raised an eyebrow. “We can stay here until you answer me. Properly.”

Why did he have to be so stubborn? He knew she couldn’t even stand here for a few minutes without caving.

“‘Cause I didn’t drink all my water like I was told. But I was napping,” she sulked. “And water is yuck.”

“Really? Were you still napping when I got home?”

No. She’d been reading CJ Bennett’s latest story that had just landed in her eReader. It had been so gripping that she hadn’t been able to put it down. That woman sure could spin a story and she loved reading about her Littles and their Daddies. This latest one was a ménage. Hm, she wondered how it would feel to have two daddies.

Yeah, nah. One was enough. More than enough. Her butt wouldn’t survive two. She shuddered at the thought.

“No, Daddy.” She was feeling very put-upon.

“So, you had time to drink your water, didn’t you? As far as I can see from your bottle you didn’t make much of an effort at all.”

“I could have refilled it,” she pointed out.

“Did you?”

She sighed. “No.”

He grasped hold of her chin, tilting her face up. “I’m not insisting that you drink your water to be mean, sweet pea. It’s because I care about your health.”

Well, now she just felt awful.

“I’m sorry, Daddy.”

He ran a finger over her lips, they parted and he slipped his finger inside. Her breath sped up.

“Good girl. I know you don’t like water and Daddy has an idea how to help. Now suck.”

She sucked on his finger.

Hunger filled his face. Then he slid his finger free and leaning in, kissed her. It was like nothing she’d experienced before. Her entire body lit up. She moved closer, her breasts pressing against his firm chest. How did he have such an effect on her? His hand reached around to grasp the back of her neck and she kind of melted. Such a dominant gesture went straight to her submissive core. Her knees weakened and he clasped her around her waist, holding her steady.

“You okay, baby girl?” he asked, looking down at her in concern.

“You made me weak in the knees,” she blurted out. Then she whacked her hand against her forehead. “Shut up, mouth.”

“Hey,” he said with amusement. “First, I’m glad I make you weak in the knees, since you have that effect on me too.”

“I do?” She stared up at him in shock.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic