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“Why did you feel so guilty over disobeying me?” he asked her.

Smack! Smack!

“Because I made you worry. I made you lose time with your nan when. . .when. . .”

When she didn’t have much left.

He laid several more smacks on her bottom. He spanked her until she was a complete and utter mess. She couldn’t think, could scarcely even breathe. She lay limply over his lap, accepting of his discipline, knowing that she needed it. Finally, when he stopped whaling on her ass, her hot cheek was pressed against the bed cover, the material wet beneath her cheek.

“Good girl. That’s such a good girl,” he murmured to her as she fought for her breath. “Calm yourself now. That’s it. Deep, slow breaths. That’s my girl. How do you feel now, little one?” he asked in a soft, soothing voice as he rubbed his hand in circles on her lower back. “Do you still feel guilty? Or do you feel better? Lighter?”

She searched inside her. That icky, slimy feeling was gone. She let out a deep sigh. Oh, that felt so good. He was right. She had needed this. Had needed to atone for what she did in order to move forward without that horrible feeling of guilt.

“I feel better, Daddy.”

“That’s good, my darling girl. And what are you going to do next time Daddy gives you an order?”

“Obey him.”

“Because what happens when you don’t?”

“I-I get sp-spanked.”

“Or there might be a different punishment.” He drew her over so she sat on his knee. She hissed, moving around until her bottom hung over the side of his lap. He grabbed a tissue and wiped her face.

Then he held it to her nose. “Blow.”

She let him tidy her up then he moved them again so she lay on her side on the bed, curled in against his chest as he rested on his back. She listened to the steady beat of his heart. This sort of intimacy wasn’t one she was used to. Her ex hadn’t really cuddled her. The occasional hug, but she’d never been comfortable snuggling into him like she was with Macca.

He pressed a kiss to the top of her head.

“What sorts of punishments?” she asked, thinking about what he said even though she wasn’t certain she wanted to know. She figured the best idea was to just not do anything wrong. Yep, keep out of trouble and she wouldn’t have a hot, throbbing bottom.

Combined with a throbbing clit. She pressed her thighs together.


ngs like corner time, writing lines, having to do chores.”

Urgh. She thought she would rather have the spanking. Her eyes started to close as he held her tight. He rose and lifted her up onto her feet so he could slide back the covers. “Climb into bed, baby girl. I’m going to lock up the house and then I’ll be back in to hold you until you go off to sleep.”

That sounded perfect.


Yep. She was right. She’d rather have had the spanking.

Except Daddy had decided that this time, she needed to spend time sitting in the corner on her hot bottom to think about how she would do better at obeying him.

And if being in the corner of the living room with Daddy in the kitchen wasn’t bad enough, he’d made her sit on a wooden chair with no cushion, just wearing her nightgown. He didn’t want her standing for too long and getting dizzy, and he’d also told her that having to sit on her still-sore bottom would help remind her that Daddy was in charge.

Apparently, Daddy took her water intake very seriously. Too seriously.

So, she’d only managed a few sips this morning while he was out visiting Penny. It wasn’t the end of the world, right?

“Right, Gigi, that’s long enough. Wait for me to come and get you before you get out of the corner.”

Urgh. This was so humiliating.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic