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She didn’t believe that but it was nice to hear him say it.

“Now that I work for JSI, I’m making a difference in another sort of way. I love my job, my friends, where I live. Sanctuary Ranch is a little different from other places. The men who work on the ranch and for JSI are all either Dominants or looking for a relationship where they are the head of the household. The women who live there all have a male guardian to care for them. Submission is a gift. Something to be treasured and protected. But a Daddy/little relationship for me is a whole other level. It means I get to let loose my nurturing side, something that in everyday life often remains dormant. I care for the women on Sanctuary, but it’s not the same as having your own Little to take care of, protect, cherish, discipline, love.”

The longing in his voice made her breath catch. Any woman would be lucky to have someone like Macca as theirs. It would feel like being wrapped up in a blanket of safety. If she was his, she knew that she could give him her worries, her fears, her dreams and he’d look after them. He’d do whatever he needed to help her, guide her.

She knew that because of the way he’d taken care of her and she was a virtual stranger.

“This sort of relationship is special and should be guarded. There has to be trust and communication and honesty.”

“You don’t ever feel like it’s a burden?” she asked.

He blinked. “A burden? No. It’s a beautiful gift. I’m never happier than when I’m taking care of a Little.”

“Have you been in a relationship with a Little before?” she asked.

Sadness filled his gaze. “Once. When I was in the Navy. But she didn’t handle me being away from her for long periods of time. And she used to worry so much about me when I wasn’t around that she’d make herself ill. Sara was special, but our relationship just wasn’t right for her. She needed a daddy who was there all the time for her. When I realized that our relationship was hurting her, I helped her find a pair of Daddy Doms to take over her care. They’re now happily married.”

He’d helped his girlfriend find new boyfriends because he realized he couldn’t be what she needed? Was this guy even real? Was there any end to his selflessness?

“The three of them are in a permanent relationship?” She’d read about ménage relationships, and she’d watched TV shows about sister wives, but she’d never known of anyone who was in one.

“They are.” He grinned at her. “Does that shock you?”

Um. Maybe a little bit. She cleared her throat.

“You’re a good man, Alexander McKenzie.”

He smiled, but it looked sad. “I haven’t had a Little since. It’s like a hole inside me. Something that needs to be filled, but I just haven’t found the right person. I’ve seen my friends find their Littles and honestly, I’m jealous as hell. Having a Little girl who looks to me to protect and care for her, it’s what I dream of.”

The longing inside her was a deep ache. She wanted to be that for him. To be his.

That’s not going to happen, Gigi. Remember, at some stage he’ll have to leave.

“I have to get going, sweet pea. Behave yourself and I’ll be back tonight.” He kissed her forehead again before leaving.

She really wanted to know what his kiss would feel like on her lips. But she didn’t think she’d ever find out.

He was wrong. She wasn’t brave at all.


She’d never seen a better sight than Penny’s house.

“Happy to be home, sweet pea?”

“Oh yes.” Although it wasn’t actually home. And while Macca was being extremely nice, letting her stay here while she recuperated, she knew she needed to sort new accommodation and a job and. . .she took in a deep breath as everything that needed to be done started to feel overwhelming.

“I can hear you thinking from here.” He drove Penny’s car up outside the house and turned it off. He leaned over and cupped her face between his hands. “It’s all going to be all right, sweet pea.”

It was nice of him to say that but there was no way he could know it would be.

“Are you sure you’re all right to walk?” he asked her.

“I’m fine.” She wouldn’t be running on it anytime soon, but her foot wasn’t giving her many problems anymore.

He helped her out of the car, insisting on carrying the bag and giving her a stern look when she still tried to grab it.

“Stubborn little thing, aren’t you?” he said to her as he unlocked the door and stepped inside.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic