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When didn’t she think about it? “Yes.”

“Got an answer for me, yet?”

She licked her lips, studying him. “Why do you like it? I get why the Little enjoys it. I mean. . .I guess I can understand their side because. . .”

“You are a Little,” he said gently.

Yeah. Exactly.

“I’ve got to go to the bathroom,” she said suddenly. It wasn’t an excuse to get out of there. She really had to pee. But she also kind of wished she had kept quiet.

He slid back her covers and helped her stand, holding her until she was steady. “Leave the door open a crack and call out if you need me.”

She barely refrained from rolling her eyes. “You know I go to the toilet just fine on my own when you’re not here.”

“I know.” He frowned. “Doesn’t mean I like it. I have nightmares of you falling and hitting your head. Especially after yesterday.”

Crap. She had really messed up.

She left the door open the tiniest crack, hoping he couldn’t hear her pee. When she shuffled back in, she barely made it into bed before the doctor was there. He had a bunch of student doctors with him. She hated when there were extra people. She always felt like some medical experiment on display. As though he felt her discomfort, Macca reached out and took her hand in his.

A feeling of calm came over her. This was so weird. How did he have this effect on her?

The doctor went through his usual spiel. She kind of tuned that part out.

“Any questions, Miss Raymond?”

“When can I go home?”

“Well, your blood pressure is good and your red blood cell count is up. However, you still need care. You currently live alone, yes?”

“Gigi will be staying with me when she’s released,” Macca told the doctor.

“Ah, and you are able to be around a lot of the time? Or do you need to go to work? Because I would prefer she had someone close by for at least the next five days.”

“I’m not working. I can keep a watch on her, make sure she does everything that she’s supposed to.” He gave her a warning look.

“All right then, if everything continues to go well, I would be happy to release you tomorrow, Miss Raymond.”

“That would be great.” She smiled.

The doctor and his minions left and she let out a squeal of happiness. “I’m getting out of here tomorrow!”

“I’m happy for you, baby girl.” He gave her a warm smile.

“Thank you for saying you’d look after me.”

“I didn’t just say it. I meant it. You might well wish you’d stayed in hospital, because I intend to be quite strict with you.”

A shiver of excitement and pleasure ran down her spine. He got up and placed her eReader on the bedside cabinet. “You asked me why I like being a Daddy Dom?”

She nodded.

“You know I was a Navy SEAL. I was proud to serve my country. It was a lot of responsibility, but I liked knowing I was doing a job that made a difference, you know?”

“You’re so brave. I could never do anything like that.”

“You’re brave too, sweet pea. Don’t underestimate yourself.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic