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She bit her lip at that. She wasn’t ready to tell him that. Not yet. Maybe not ever. At least, not the full version.

“But not now,” he reassured her. He held up another forkful of food and she shook her head with a sigh.

“I’m full, but thank you so much.”

“You’re welcome, baby.” He grabbed a wet wipe from the duffel bag and then taking hold of her chin, he gently wiped her face. She froze with surprise. Then he drew away and grabbed another wipe. He proceeded to clean each of her hands.

“Macca,” she said in a low voice.

He threw the wipes in the bin and turned back to her. “Yes?”

Nothing on his face indicated that he thought what had just happened was odd. To him, maybe it wasn’t. But to her. . .well, she couldn’t remember anyone ever wiping her hands and face for her. Although maybe her mum had before she’d taken off. But she didn’t have any memories of that time.

“How is Penny?” she asked instead. Because truth was, she didn’t want him to stop. And right now, she just wanted to experience what it was like to have someone else take care of her.

“She didn’t wake up at all. I don’t think she has much time left.” The sadness in his voice echoed what was in her heart. She reached over and took his hand in hers.

“She’s an amazing lady. I feel so privileged to have known her.”

“Me too,” he told her. “She’s the only person on this side of the family who I felt ever loved me.”

Penny had told her once that Macca and his father didn’t get along. She could understand why. Mr. McKenzie was a difficult man. Arrogant and ruthless. Cold. He’d only visited once while she lived there. And he’d threatened her that if she even thought about taking advantage of his mother, he would ruin her life.

As if she’d ever do that to the only person in her life to show her kindness. And his threat didn’t mean much considering her life before she’d come to live with his mother. Hard to ruin someone’s life when they didn’t even have one. Still, he’d scared her.

“I wish I had visited her more often. We used to meet in Hawaii, but it was becoming harder for her. I should have insisted she let me come here.”

She grabbed his hand, squeezing tight. “Look at me.”

He stared at her in surprise. Even she was a little shocked by the firmness in her voice. Who knew she had that in her?

“I’ve lived with Penny for eight months. I know you called her every week. She told me about you. She has nothing but admiration and respect for you. She loves you.”

He sighed and closed his eyes. “I know she does. My father. . .” he looked down at his clenched hands, “he’s not just a cold asshole. He’s an abusive one too. He used to hit my mother. Not sure why she didn’t leave him earlier. But the first time he hit me, that’s when she packed us up and left.” He fingered his scar. “That’s when he did this. He broke a plate and then threw a piece at me.”

Holy crap.

“She blackmailed him, told him she had evidence of all the abuse she’d suffered at his hands and she’d go to the media with it if he didn’t let us go.”

“Oh God, I’m so sorry.” She frowned slightly. “Why the media and not the cops?”

“My father is very friendly with a lot of cops. No telling whether they’d actually do something. But if it got out in the media, it would ruin that pristine reputation of his. Business would be hit hard. And there is nothing that James McKenzie loves more than money.” He let out a slightly bitter laugh and ran his hand through his short hair. “Not sure why I’m telling you this.” He gave her a contemplative look. “You’re easy to talk to.”

“You can tell me anything. I promise to never tell anyone.”

“I wish Nan had told me she was ill. It seems she was keeping several secrets from me.” He glanced at her meaningfully.

She wasn’t sure why Penny never told him about Gigi. Then again, they’d probably had better things to talk about.

“She always seemed so strong to me. So invincible. She helped us leave him. Nobody knows that. My mother had nothing. He wouldn’t agree to a divorce and told her if she left, it would be without any of his money. She could have taken him to court, but she wanted to cut all ties from him. In the end, Nan gave us money to get away.”

“She’s a good woman. An amazing one. She saved me.”

He gave her a searching look. But just nodded.

“If you left when you were seventeen how come you still have an Australian accent?”

To her surprise, he blushed. Was he embarrassed?

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic