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He quickly got rid of it then grabbed the napkin and wiped her face. Then he picked up her water and held the straw to her mouth. She took a few sips.

“Drink more.”

She leaned back with a shake of her head. “I don’t really like water.”

“You heard what the doctor said, little one.”

She sighed. “I know. Lots of fluids. Lots of rest.”

“And plenty of healthy, good food. Did your blood results come back?”

She nodded. “My red blood cells are low and my blood wasn’t clotting properly, which is why my leg kept bleeding. I’m rattling, I’m on so many pills. Keeping track of them isn’t going to be easy.”

He held the straw to her lips. “Don’t worry, once we get you home that will be my problem to worry about.”

She sucked in a breath. Trust him with her medicine? With her health? If the pills got mucked up. . .

He laid his hand on hers. “Or how about we do it together?”

“A-all right. I can deal with that.”

“Come on, you need to eat some more.” He forked up some more veggies and she reached for the fork.

He snatched it back. “Let me feed you. You’re tired.”

Even though she figured it was a bad idea, he was right. She was exhausted and just sitting here, having him feed her, sounded like heaven.

She knew she shouldn’t rely on him. He would be leaving soon.

He’s here for his nan and you’re taking time from her. You don’t want to be a nuisance.

“I can’t believe you had your dad’s chef make this,” she said after chewing the mouthful.

He shrugged. “Wasn’t a big deal. Allan has been with the family a long time. I called him then picked it up and drove it over here.”

It was a big deal to her.

“I wanted something I knew would be healthy for you.”

It was pretty much the sweetest thing anyone had ever done for her. She had to turn her face away to hide her tears. What was the matter with her lately? She seemed to always be on the verge of crying.

You’re tired. Give yourself a break.

“Hey. What’s wrong?” He placed his hand against

her cheek, turning her face back towards him.

“Sorry. That was just really nice of you.”

He raised an eyebrow. “You always cry when people do something nice for you?”

“I don’t know. It hasn’t happened very often.”

His other eyebrow joined the first one.

“I mean, your grandmother has been very kind. I’m not sure what I would have done without Penny.” She wasn’t sure if she’d even be here.

“I need the story of how the two of you met one day,” he told her.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic