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Plan b, she was guessing, being the spanking. Yep, she needed to do what she had to in order to avoid plan b.

He started kissing his way up her legs. “Stubble too scratchy?” he asked as he reached her inner thigh and she shivered.

“No. Definitely not. Please don’t stop.”

She felt him smile against her skin. “My girl likes that.”

Fuck yes, his girl definitely did. Then he reached her mound. Laid kisses along the top of it, before moving to her slit. He ran his tongue along her labia, reached her clit and toyed with it, her breath stuttered and her thighs stretched wide, giving him as much access as he might need.

He didn’t make her wait. He meant business. His tongue played with her clit while he used two fingers to fuck her pussy.

“Clint! Clint!” She grasped hold of the bed cover beneath her and held on for dear life as he drove her h

igher and higher. It was too much. Too much.

His fingers moved fast, hard. “Come for me.”

“Clint!” her cry was one of desperation.

“Come now.”

The harsh command combined with that talented tongue of his sent her crashing over into bliss. She drifted, her body shaking with aftershocks, her breath sawing in and out of her lungs.

She felt him shift her. Pull the covers out from underneath her then he tucked her in on her side, the way she liked to sleep. He lay around the back of her, spooning her, his face buried in her hair.

“Sleep, darling.”

“What about you?” she murmured, aware he had to be uncomfortable.

“Don’t worry about me. Just sleep. Sleep. And know that Daddy is watching over you, taking care of you.”

She drifted off with a big smile on her face, her body sated from an amazing orgasm and her man curled protectively around her.

Wasn’t much that could top that.

Clint slid off the bed, careful not to disturb Charlie. Not that anything much probably would. She was out like a light. He frowned. He didn’t like that she’d been feeling unsettled about things and hadn’t been talking to him.

How could she even think for one moment that he wouldn’t want to marry her?

Maybe because you’ve never actually talked to her about it?

He ran his hand down his face. Idiot.

He watched her sleep for a moment. He had definitely made the right decision when he said they were going to the cabin for a while.

He also needed to start laying down some rules around how much she was doing. Time for his girl to know he wasn’t going to stand for her throwing herself into things and neglecting her wellbeing.

He knew it was his fault. He should have done something earlier. But after tonight, she was going to know that Daddy was very much taking back the reins.


Kent and Abby

Kent walked into the house and immediately knew something was different.

He studied the room, shaking his head in disbelief. It looked like Santa’s elves had a drunken party and vomited tinsel everywhere.

Not that he’d say that in front of Abby, of course. Who knew she’d love Christmas so much? It had been a surprise when boxes of Christmas crap started arriving in the mail. Not that he was a grinch or anything. He liked Christmas. But he’d never bothered with decorating his place. Every year they’d invite all the people on the ranch who didn’t have somewhere else to be to have Christmas lunch at the big house and that was enough for him.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic