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“What? But I’ve got stuff here to do, to help Ellie with, to—”

“Other girls can help Ellie if she needs anything over the next few days, but you’re exhausted. You’ve got to get some rest. You haven’t had any Little time for two weeks.”

Shit. Had it been that long?

“I just. . .I can’t seem to get in the right headspace.”

“And I’m here to help you with that. I’m here to help with whatever you need, darling girl. So, day after tomorrow, we head to the cabin. You’ll have plenty of Little time and sleep and maybe some other things,” he winked at her and she felt her need for him stir again, “and I’ll have my girl all to myself.”

Since he’d handed over a lot of responsibility to Linc, he was able to take more time off away from the ranch

“I’d like that,” she said softly.

“Good, so does my girl still need help unwinding?”

She nodded. “Uh-huh, she does.”

“Hmm, a spanking might be a good way of getting out all that tension.”

“What? Nooo, I don’t want a spanking!” She could feel her Little pushing through.

“Not about what you want, though. It’s about what you need.” He pushed her gently down onto her back then leaned down and latched onto her nipple.

“I need an orgasm!”

“Do you?” he asked then he lapped at her nipple. “How badly does my baby need to come?”

“So badly.” She pouted.

“Are you wet?”

“Yes.” She could feel herself blushing. But this is what she wanted and she wasn’t going to do anything that might make him stop and decide to take her over his lap instead.

“Show me.”


“Show me how wet you are.” He moved to the bottom of the bed and sat, facing her. “Show me that wet pussy.”

Fuck. Fuck.

She couldn’t do that! Could she? Then again, there wasn’t an inch of her body that Clint didn’t know intimately. Unsure exactly what he wanted from her; she widened her legs.

“That’s good, baby. But you need to really show me. I want you to spread the lips of your pussy, show me how wet you are for me. How much you really need this orgasm.”

Oh God. Oh God.

Her heart raced but she reached down with her hand and used her fingers to spread her lower lips apart. His eyes were filled with molten heat.

“Yeah, my girl is wet for me. Swirl a finger through your juices then offer it to me.”

He was killing her. Really. Was it possible to die from embarrassment? Or from being so completely and utterly turned on?

But she used a finger from her other hand and swirled it through her juices then she held it up to him as ordered. He leaned in, keeping his eyes on hers, which was sexy as hell then sucked the digit into his mouth.

“Oh hell.” She swore she could feel the pull on her clit.

He let her finger pop out of his mouth and gave her a stern look. “Language, little darling. Or I’m going to go to plan b.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic