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Clint tightened his arm around her, his lips moving to her ear. “You want to get married, darling?”

She stiffened. “That better not be your idea of a proposal!”

“Hmm,” he muttered. “Not gonna fly, huh?”

“Clint!” she protested and turned to find him grinning down at her. But somehow, she didn’t find it that funny.

“I need to make more cookies,” she told him, averting her gaze from his. Tears welled, making her feel ridiculous.

Get a grip on yourself, Charlie.

He grasped her upper arms gently to stop her from moving away.

“Charlotte? Darling girl, look at me.”

That low command wasn’t one to be ignored. But she really didn’t want to look up at him.

“Charlotte. Look at me.”

Crap, he wouldn’t let her go until she looked at him. They’d still be standing here in a few hours when the others arrived. So, she stared up at him, those tears leaking down her cheeks.

Damn it.

“Shit,” he muttered and drew her close to his chest. One hand rubbed her lower back while the other one held her tight to him. Surrounded by Clint. Usually it made her feel safe and warm. Right now, she felt embarrassed.

“Sorry, I’m acting like an idiot.” She tried to pull out of his arms. He held her tighter.

Okay, she guessed he wasn’t yet ready to let her go.

“You’re not the one who just acted like an idiot,” he said, surprising her.

She managed to pull her head back, staring up into his face. “Clint?”

He ran his thumb along her jaw. “Gonna ask you one day, baby. But this time is Bear and Ellie’s. Ours will come.”

She melted into him. “I don’t want you to think I expect it or anything—”

He picked her up suddenly, with one arm under her ass. “You damn well should expect it. This is forever, darling girl. You and me.”

She cupped his face between her hands. He hadn’t shaved in a few days and his stubble rubbed against her palms. She shivered as she imagined that roughness rubbing against her inner thighs.

“Of course, we are. Doesn’t mean marriage needs to follow.”

“Marriage is going to happen,” he told her firmly. “You’re gonna have my ring on your finger, you’re gonna vow to love, honor and obey me for as long as we both shall live. End of story.”

As he spoke, he was walking out of the living room towards the stairs. Hmm, maybe she would get to feel that stubble against her thighs.

“You do know that you have to promise the same.”

He snorted. “Baby, no matter how much I love you, I am not promising to obey you.”

“I meant the rest. And who said obey was going to be in the wedding vows?”

“I did,” he told her arrogantly.

She rolled her eyes. “You’re spoiled. And bossy. And arrogant.”

“Baby, all this praise is just turning me on.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic