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“In front of you,” she squeaked.

He grinned. “Make it easier if I turn you over so you can’t see me?”

She thought about that for a moment. “Maybe.”

He stepped back and she lost the glorious feeling of being full of him. Then he slid her around so her legs dangled off the edge of the big dining room table. Her hips were raised once more, and he took her from behind.

God. She’d never get over how good that felt.

“Do it, baby. Touch yourself.”

Taking her courage in hand, she reached down and flicked her clit. It was swollen. Sensitive. And she gasped as she moved her finger against the tight bundle of nerves. But as he continued to fill her with his cock, she found herself moving faster, harder. Her need built deep inside her.

“Come on, baby. I’m nearly there.”

She tightened around him as she came, her body bucking beneath his. Then his roar filled the room as he bent over her, spending himself inside her. They just lay there for a moment, breaths mingling together, heart beats racing.

“Fucking magnificent,” he muttered in her ear.

Yes, he was.


Charlie and Clint

Charlie stood in the large living room and took stock. Four beds, which were single mattresses on the floor and arranged in a circle, the feet of each mattress facing into the middle of the circle. Then each bed had been made with soft sheets and different colored comforters.

The teepees that sat over the top end of the beds were pink.

Pink for Ellie. Check.

Fort for Abby. Check.

At the other end of the big room, she’d set up a dining area. A white table with a pretty pale pink table cloth and four chairs. Another pair of tables had been set up against each other along the wall, and they were teeming with food. Red velvet cupcakes, chocolate brownie, peanut butter and chocolate cookies, bowls full of candy and chocolate, and a huge, gorgeous pale pink cake with the words, Congratulations Ellie, swirled along the top.

Candy for Daisy. Check.

Several stations had been set up throughout the room. One with Legos. Another with coloring pencils and books. Another was a mani/pedi station. The last area was dress up costumes and dolls.

Play-time for everyone. Check.

Now, was there anything missing?

She felt someone move up behind her. The heat of his body hitting her back.

“What do you think?” she asked Clint.

“I think it’s a party fit for four princesses. Although probably after eating all that crap and staying up most of the night giggling and playing they will be four tired little brats by morning,” he said in his typical blunt way.

She smacked her hand against his. “We are not brats.”

He snorted.

“Do you think there’s anything missing?”

“Baby, how could you possibly be missing anything? There’s enough stuff here for twenty people. If those twenty people liked pink and toys and a shit-ton of sugar.”

“I just want this to be an amazing party for Ellie. She’s my best friend and she’s getting married.” She winced at the note of longing in her voice she couldn’t quite hide.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic