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“I just. . .this Christmas stuff doesn’t seem to interest you much. I thought I could just do it myself and save you a job.”

His fault. Christmas stuff didn’t much interest him. But not because he didn’t enjoy it. He was just used to being single, turning up at Clint’s and having Eden take care of everything. He felt guilty that he hadn’t paid enough attention to Abby and her obsession with everything Christmas.

“Abby, when it comes to you everything interests me. I’m sorry if it seems like I wasn’t. That’ll change now. You need something done. You tell me. My job is to look after you. Help you. It’s also to ensure you don’t hurt yourself. So, from now on, you want something moved or hung, you wait and you ask me. Understood?”

“Yes, Daddy.”

He kissed her lightly. “Good. Now go to the bedroom, strip off, get onto your knees at the end of the bed. Legs spread wide. Arms out in front of you. Chest to the bed. Understood?”

Her eyes were wide as she stared at him.

“Abby, do you understand?”

She nodded.

“Words, Abby,” he reminded her.

“Yes, Daddy.”

“Good girl.” He lifted her down. As she m

ade her way upstairs, he took another look around the room with a grin. Looked like he was going to live in a Christmas tornado every December.

But it made his girl happy and that was all he cared about.

Abby knelt on the end of the bed, her arms out in front of her, her legs wide. Her bare ass was poking out, awaiting the punishment she had coming. Even now, months after meeting Kent, moving in with him, agreeing to be his sub, his Little, she still felt embarrassed at some of the positions she found herself in.

Embarrassed and aroused.

He probably knew that. Knew what it did to her when he commanded her to do things like this.

Damn man. God, where would she be without him? She never wanted to find out. Kent was her everything. He’d been her rock when all that shit with her brother went down, ending in Max’s death. He’d never faltered. He’d always given her what she needed. Whether she knew it was what she needed or not.

She was still getting used to having someone around who wanted to do things for her. Not having to do everything herself. And it was still hard to ask for help. Even for something simple like moving the Christmas tree.

She knew she’d gone over-the-top about Christmas and she hadn’t wanted to bother him with silly requests like moving the tree five times within a three-foot radius.

Idiot, Abby.

She should have just asked him. Then she wouldn’t have found herself in this position. Except, she had to admit that having him take charge gave her a sense of peace that she desperately needed right now. There was a lot going on in her head. This was her first Christmas with Kent. Her first out from under the shadow of Max and his problems.

Guilt hit her.

There was movement at the door and she pushed that thought away.

“Now that’s a nice sight. A naughty little girl ready for Daddy to spank her. It’s been a while since your last spanking, hasn’t it, sweet girl?”

Had it? Now that she thought on it, she realized she hadn’t been in trouble for a while. She was a pleaser. She usually followed the rules because it made Kent happy and she felt good making him feel happy.

Kent moved up behind her. “I’ve had an idea. There’s two weeks until Christmas and I think we need to start our own Daddy-Little girl tradition. Like an advent calendar for Littles. Some things will be nice, others may not be.”

Hmm, she didn’t know what she thought of that exactly.

“We’ll start the day after tomorrow. I’ll leave you a note each morning before work. You’re to do whatever that note says, understand?”

“Yes, Daddy,” she replied, her mind scrambling to think about what might be in that note.

“That’s my good girl.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic