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“I want you to have the Christmas of your dreams. This Christmas and every Christmas. Buying gifts is obviously something you enjoy. Are they from me as well or just you?”

She frowned. “I added your name to the cards.”

“Then I help pay for them,” he said firmly.


“No buts, Abigail. I want you to transfer enough money from our joint account over to your account to pay for all the gifts.”

“But that’s not fair, you’re paying for everything.”

“I’m a man,” was all he replied. Like that was supposed to say everything. “I’m a man with old-fashioned values, which includes taking care of you in all ways. You can use your money to buy me a gift, if that’s what you want to do.”

She looked at him for a moment then to his shock she burst into laughter. “Okay. Okay. I give in.”

“It’s who I am, sweet girl. You know this.”

Her eyes held love and the remnants of her laughter. She softened. “I know. And I love who you are.”

“Love you too, sweet girl. But we have something else to talk about.”

“Boy, you came back in a talkative mood.”

He raised an eyebrow. “Seems there are a few things that need addressing. Little girl, what was the rule about moving heavy things?”

Understanding filled her face and her eyes flickered guiltily over to the Christmas tree before returning to him.

“I’m not allowed to lift heavy things on my own.”

“Right. So, you want to tell me why the Christmas tree isn’t where it was when I left earlier?”

“Drat. Didn’t think you’d notice.”

He raised an eyebrow. “Is that so? Well, I did notice. It also means you disobeyed me ‘cause that tree is very heavy and definitely not where it was a few hours ago.”

“I didn’t lift it though,” she protested. “I just sort of dragged it along.”

He gave her a look that said he didn’t see there was much distinction.

She bit her lip worriedly. “You can’t punish me, though, Daddy.”

“How do you figure that, little one?”

“‘Cause I’m going to a party in a few hours.” She bounced with excitement.

“There’s still a few hours until the party begins,” he told her ominously. “Plenty of time to put you over my knee for disobeying me and risking your safety.”

“Rats,” she muttered. “You’d really send me to a party with a sore bottom, Daddy?”

“Yes, sweet girl. I would. Because every time you sat on that bottom, you’d know that Daddy loves you enough to want you to be healthy and safe. All the time. And he expects his rules to be obeyed. All the time. Want to tell me why you didn’t wait for me to move the tree?”

She shrugged.

He waited.

She squirmed around on the counter then finally gave in under his firm stare. “I guess I got impatient and didn’t want to wait.”

“For two hours?” His Abby wasn’t an impatient girl normally.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic