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He pulled back the covers and something flew off, landing on the floor near his feet. He frowned as he stared down at the piece of worn cloth. He picked it up. Faded and soft, it looked like a rag. But why would a rag be in her bed? He drew it to his nose. It smelled like her. Something stirred his memory. An image. Didn’t she have an old blanket like this as a child? Was this what was left? That was sweet.

He wondered if she slept with it? For comfort?

He stared over at the door musingly, thinking about the abundance of candy in the kitchen. Didn’t mean she was a Little.

What if she was? Well, that changed things. His plan had been to get her more comfortable with him. Get her into bed. Get her out of his head. How was he going to approach this, though? If she was, then she might not know it. Or not want him to know since she had no idea of what he was. Should he bring it up with her? Or test her?

She was so jumpy and unsure. And he didn’t blame her after the way he’d acted. He didn’t feel like the straight-forward approach was quite right. At least not yet.

So, he tucked the piece of blanket under the pillow and quickly made the bed as he heard her open the bathroom door.

“Oh.” She paused as she entered the bedroom. “You really didn’t have to tidy up.”

He shrugged. He kind of did. That mess. . .well, it would have driven him nuts to leave it.

“And you made the bed.” Her eyes widened and he saw her looking frantically around. Probably for the bit of blanket. Which was more of an indication that it was something special to her. Something she didn’t want him knowing about.

“Come on,” he said gently, watching her closely. “Let’s get you all tucked in.”

Before he’d seen that piece of blanket, he’d intended to just kiss her and leave before she climbed into bed. Not now. He held up the blankets. Waited for her to protest. She looked from him to the bed.

“In you get,” he ordered, deliberately using his Dom voice.

She didn’t even hesitate. She climbed in. Let him tuck the blankets around her.

All right. This didn’t mean anything. She was probably in a bit of shock. And she might be submissive without being a Little.

He sat next to her, staring down at her. She gaped up at him with wide eyes. He reached up and fingered the fairy lights twisted through the rungs of the headboard. “You always loved fairy lights.”

She relaxed slightly. “I know. They’re so pretty. And there’s something about them that’s comforting. Whenever I look at them, I feel happy.”

He wondered if she’d kept the lights, he’d given her so many years ago. Of course not. No do

ubt they’d died a long time ago.

He stared down at her. “Want a bedtime story?”

Her expressive eyes went even wider. She shook her head.

“Probably just as well,” he muttered. “Not sure I know any.”

“You don’t?” Suddenly she grinned. “Maybe I should tell you one about the princess and the dragon.”

“Oh yeah? Dragon, huh? I suppose he turns into a handsome prince with a kiss or after finding love or something like that.”

“Oh no, this dragon is always a dragon. Breathing fire and stomping around bad-temperedly.”

“That so?” He narrowed his gaze at her in mock-warning, loving the way her eyes danced with amusement. Even if it was at his expense.

He could take it. Especially if it put that carefree look on her face. When he’d known her, her life had been hard. He wondered how life had been since? What she’d been doing? Why she left him?

“Jed? You okay?”

He forced himself to smile down into her worried look. “Of course. So, is he a handsome dragon?”

“Oh yes, very handsome. But very grumpy. And bossy.”

“Sometimes a dragon has to be bossy in order to keep his princess safe and happy.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic