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Yay. She couldn’t wait. That sounded like so much fun.

“Don’t pout, baby. It can’t be good to live on sugar alone. Hate to think what you’re doing to your teeth.”

So did she. Which is why she tried not to think about it. It was also why she avoided going to the dentist. Ever. That and she was scared. Totally chicken shit scared.

“Do you want some toast before you go to bed?” he asked.

“No, I’m not really hungry.”

“All right then. Let’s get you into bed. I’ve got to get home and sleep too.”

“You could stay here,” she said shyly. Then she realized how that might have sounded. “The spare bedroom is all made up, I mean. So, you don’t have to drive back so late.”

“Thanks, but I start work early and I don’t want to wake you up. Come on.” He held out his hand to her and they made their way up the stairs. She thought it a bit odd that he wanted to come up with her. Nerves started dancing in her stomach. He wasn’t coming into her bedroom, was he?

“Um, don’t you need to get going?”

“Yep. Soon. This your bedroom?” He unerringly moved to her bedroom door. She nodded, not really thinking and was shocked as he walked inside. Okay, then. Jed Carson was in her bedroom.

Holy shit. He was in her bedroom!

She darted inside to find him standing by the bed, looking around at the mess. He glanced over at her. Most of her wardrobe was strewn around the room.

“Umm, sorry, I couldn’t decide what to wear.” She started picking up pants and tops and shoving them back in the wardrobe.

“Looks like a hurricane erupted in here,” he said in amazement.

Why hadn’t she cleaned up before she’d left? Oh yeah, because she’d been running late. But she could at least have made up the bed this morning.

He shook his head, luckily looking more amused than horrified. “Go get into your pjs and get ready for bed. I’ll tidy this up.”

Feeling mortified, she snatched up her pajamas off the floor where she’d chucked them this morning and high-tailed it into the bathroom. It didn’t feel right leaving Jed in her bedroom. By himself. With her mess. But she also needed a few minutes to get her head on straight.

Jed was in her house.

He was in her bedroom.

He wanted to get to know her better.

He’d kissed her.

It had been spectacular. So much better than she’d remembered. She grinned into the mirror.

He had rules. Her face grew serious.

He really didn’t like her eating habits. She frowned.

Hmm. There was one thing she knew about the new Jed. He was a force to be reckoned with. She had no doubts he was used to getting his own way. And she wondered exactly what that meant for her. She got changed then brushed her teeth. All she could do was see where this went.

She’d just have to do her best not to fuck it up.

* * *

Jed tidied up the bedroom with some amusement and a little bit of horror. For someone who hated his cutlery being out of place, this could be an adjustment. Obviously, Daisy wasn’t terribly concerned about putting things away. Although everything was clean, just in a bit of a mess.

He got her clothes quickly hung up in the wardrobe and into drawers then turned his attention to the bed. He wondered if he should check on her. She was taking a while in the bathroom. But then, women did, didn’t they?

He studied her bed. It was large with a wrought-iron headboard which she’d twisted more fairy lights through.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic