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“Yes, it’s meant to.” It was a nice shade of crimson. She had an amazing ass, surprisingly plump considering she was so tiny.

“Don’t you think that’s enough? You wouldn’t want to get carried away, Daddy.”

He’d noticed that she’d been growing sassier lately, and he couldn’t be happier. Because it meant she felt safe. That she no longer worried he was going to get rid of her if she was too much trouble. That was probably part of the reason she was testing her boundaries so much. She was testing him. Well, she would soon learn that he was fully prepared to enforce those boundaries.

He repositioned her so she lay on over just one of his legs, her thighs trapped between his. She was completely pinned down, her ass high in the air. He reached over and pulled open a drawer, pulling out a ruler.

“You haven’t experienced the ruler before. I want you to count this time and know that I’m doing this because I love you. Because I make these rules to keep you safe. Understand?”

“A ruler? Oh God.”

“Understand, little girl?” he said in a deep, stern voice.

“Yes, Daddy.”

She screamed as the ruler descended. He had to wait a moment before she could compose herself enough to speak.

“O-one,” she said tearfully, a sob in her voice.

“One, Daddy, please may I have another,” he instructed.

She started to sob, but repeated his words. He gave her another smack. Waited for the words. Then another. When they got to eight, she was sobbing so hard she could barely talk. “I’m going to count out the rest for you, baby.”

He hated having to be so hard with her. But he needed this lesson to be well enforced. He smacked the ruler down hard and sharp, counting quickly. She let out a screech so loud they probably heard her down at the stables. It didn’t deter him, though. He would see this through. When he got to twenty, he put the ruler aside then gently turned her over. He settled her on her hip, leaning her in against his chest so her sore bottom didn’t rub against his jeans.

He just held her there while she sobbed into his chest. He ran his hand up and down her back, spoke to her soothingly, wrapped her up in the safety of his arms. Finally, she started to settle down. He reached for a tissue and held it to her nose. She dutifully cleared her nose. He got another one and lovingly wiped her tear-stained face. It was blotchy, her eyes swollen and still she looked so beautiful.

“I love you. I love you more than you could possibly know. More than I ever thought was possible. You are everything to me. And never, never will I let you go. I know I’m a possessive bastard. I know not everything I ask from you will be easy, but I won’t ever let you go. I can’t. Do you understand that? Never.”

She sniffled and nodded. “And I’m glad of it. I don’t care that you’re a possessive bastard.”

He growled as she said that word and she grinned at him cheekily. “Just repeating your words, Daddy.”

“Well, don’t,” he told her. “My baby girl doesn’t swear. And she won’t like the consequences if she does.”

“I don’t intend to ever do anything that will mean I get another spankin’, Daddy. I don’t like them,” she told him solemnly.

Uh-huh, he wondered how long that would last.

“Oh, I don’t know. Sometimes you like them.” He winked at her.

She blushed, obviously recalling the other night when he’d spanked her bottom playfully while she was riding him in bed.

He sighed. God, who knew he could be so ridiculously happy? “I’m going to write a thank you note.”

“A thank you note? Do people still write those?” she teased.

He leaned over and gave her smarting ass a slap. “Ow.” She reached back to rub while frowning up at him. “Daddy, my bottom hurts.”

“That’s why that was only a small tap.”

“I don’t think you know your own strength,” she grumbled continuing to rub.

He lowered his chin and gave her a stern look. “No rubbing or you’ll find yourself standing in the corner with your hands on your head.”

“Daddy!” she protested. But she quickly removed her hands. His baby hated corner time.

“Who are you going to write a note to, Daddy?”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic