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“I’ll try harder.”

“And you’ll note them down in your diary.”

“Yes, Daddy.” No way did she want him feeding her like a baby.

“Now, I’ve been waiting for three minutes for you to get your butt over here and you have thirty seconds to move before I start adding a swat for every second I have to wait.”

She didn’t think she’d moved so fast in her life. She nearly tripped over his feet and he had to grab her around the waist and settle her between his legs.

“Easy, baby,” he murmured. “Everything will be all right. I’m going to take care of you.”

“You always take care of me.”

“And I always will.” He reached for her jeans, undoing them with calm, unhurried movements before he pulled them down. “Might as well just step out of those, you’re going straight to bed with a hot bottom after this. I haven’t been here to monitor your bedtimes and I can tell by looking at you that you’re not getting as much sleep as you should be.”

Crap. Could she get nothing past him?

“No, you can’t.” He grinned at her shocked look. “You forget I can read you easily.” He tapped her nose. “You should never hide things from Daddy.”

He whisked down her panties and she stepped out of them and her jeans, feeling very vulnerable just standing there in her shirt. Didn’t matter how often it happened, she didn’t think she’d ever get used to this feeling. Clint, on the other hand, seemed to revel in it. There was a hot, satisfied look on his face.

“I’m sorry, Daddy.” She knew he worried about her and she felt guilty for that. She stared down at her feet.

“Hey, eyes on me.”

She stared into his warm, blue eyes. “I love you. I only want what’s best for you, you know that, right?”

She jumped forward, wrapping her arms around his neck. He grabbed hold of her, pulling her onto his lap.

“Hey, now.” He ran his hand up and down her back.

“I love you too, Clint.”

He kissed the top of her head. “My precious girl, let’s get this over so I can cuddle you.” He gave her another kiss before rolling her over so she lay on his lap. “Arms back.”

She placed her hands in the small of her back and he took hold of her wrists in one of his big paws. He started without a warm-up, his smacks hard and heavy on her poor bottom.


“You mean more to me than anything in this world.” Smack! Smack! Oh God, it stung so bad. She started to kick her feet almost immediately. He was wasting no time. His hand was heavy and hard against her poor bottom.

“And I will not have you putting your health at risk by eating crap food.” Smack! Smack!

She started to sob. Her ass was on fire. It was too much. Too much.

“Daddy, please.”

“Oh, it’s far too early to start begging, baby.”

His hand continued to crack down on her ass. She tried to wriggle away, she knew it was useless, but she’d do anything to escape. Another few smacks landed and then he stilled, rubbing her bottom. Oh, thank God. It wasn’t as bad as she thought it might be, but she didn’t tell him that.

Clint felt her relax and allowed himself a small smile. He knew she thought it was over. But he wasn’t letting her get away with her misbehavior this easily. She tried to pull at her hands, no doubt wanting to get out of this all-too-vulnerable position, but he held onto her tightly.

“Daddy? Can I get up?” She gazed over her shoulder at him. Her eyes were red, tears blotched her cheeks.

“I’m afraid we’re not finished.” He gave her a regretful look. “We still haven’t addressed you breaking your rule about walking around on your own in the dark or the fact that you haven’t been going to bed at your bedtime.”

“But my bottom hurts.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic