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He drew his shirt off as she reached for his jeans, undoing them and then tugging them and his boxers down. She knelt, dragging his jeans down his legs. His cock stood proudly and she couldn’t resist leaning in to take a long lick of its length.

“Jesus, baby girl. I am not going to last long.” He stepped out of his jeans then sat back on the sofa, spreading his legs. She moved between his thighs and wrapped her hand around the base of him. He was hard yet his skin was silky. His warmth seeped into her skin as she leaned in and licked her tongue across the wide head of his dick.

“Yes,” he hissed.

She loved that she could do this for him. Could give him as much pleasure as he gave her. She took the head of him into her mouth and sucked.

“Take all of me into your mouth, baby girl. That’s it. Shit. You do not know how good your mouth feels. So warm. Yes, that’s it.”

Oh yeah, he was enjoying himself. She took him deep, sucking strongly as she moved slowly back up his shaft. She dropped her free hand to his balls, cupping them gently. She heard his breath hitch, felt him grow tense.

“Oh hell. I can’t wait much longer.”

She licked her way down his cock then took one of his balls into her mouth as she ran her hand up and down his slickened shaft.

“Enough, baby. Enough.”

She pulled back and glanced up at him. “I’m not finished.”

“But I’m about to be,” he growled. “And I intend to come inside you. Reach into the back pocket of my jeans and get a condom.”

Her hand was shaking as she grabbed the condom and handed it to him. She didn’t trust herself to open it right now. He quickly sheathed his cock then held his hand to her, helping her onto his lap so she was straddling him.

He grabbed hold of her hips and started to push his way inside her. She was wet, ready for him, and thought he was moving entirely too slowly.

“Faster!” she cried out.


She glared down at him, noted the stern slant of his jaw, the stubbornness in his gaze.


“I want to go slow, to savor this. And I want you there with me when I come.” By the time he had seated himself inside her, she was trembling with the need to move.

He reached one hand up to her breast, playing with her nipple, while with his other hand he flicked at her clit. “Ride me, baby.”

He was letting her set the pace? Holy hell, she hadn’t expected that. But she wasn’t going to turn him down. Placing her hands on his shoulders, she started to ride him. His cock filled her, his fingers teased her and it didn’t take long until her heart was racing, the need to come so intense that she couldn’t think, could barely breathe.


“Please what?” he asked, sounding just was winded as she was. His finger continued to tease her clit, driving her higher and higher, closer to that edge.

“Please let me come! I need to come!”

“Then come, baby girl. Come hard. Scream!”

She threw her head back, slamming down on him, his movements on her clit became faster, harder and she screamed as she dived over the edge into a spiraling bliss, where everything else faded except for him.

He grabbed her hips and took over the pace, slamming into her over and over. She grabbed hold, loving his wildness, digging her nails into his skin as he let out his own yell of satisfaction.

* * *

Twenty minutes later, he held her against his chest in their normal sleeping position. Now that the endorphins from that stunning orgasm had faded, she could definitely feel the results of her earlier spanking. She had a feeling she wouldn’t be sitting comfortably tomorrow. She reached back with one hand to touch her bottom.

“No rubbing,” he warned.

She sighed. Damn it. Luckily, she was feeling far too satisfied to get too upset with that order. She placed her leg over his and wrapped one arm over his waist.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic