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Clint patted his lap. “Come lay yourself over my knees, baby.”

Oh Jesus. This would be so much easier if he just did everything. He did hold out a hand to help her climb onto his lap. She was tense as she lay there, waiting for him to do something. When he touched her, she jumped. But surprisingly, all he did was rub her bottom.

“Such a sexy, plump bottom. Adorable.” She relaxed slightly at his words. Then a smack landed on her ass and she cried out.

“Damn it! That was too hard.”

“No swearing, little girl. Even when you’re being spanked. Actually, especially then.” As he spoke, he continued to smack his hand down on her cheeks. What the hell was he doing to her? That hurt. Like, really hurt. She’d never thought it would be enjoyable, but she hadn’t imagined this. Her ass was already hot, the skin stinging and tears filled her eyes. He seemed to be concentrating his smacks in the same place. And it was killing her.

She tried to roll away, kicking her legs frantically and he paused. God, was he going to stop? Please let him stop. But he simply moved her so she only lay over one thigh, both of her legs now trapped between his and started to spank her again.

As he spanked, he scolded. “You will not hold things back from Daddy again. I want to know immediately if anyone is threatening you or hurting you, understand?”

Smack! Smack! She started to sob and reached back in an attempt to cover her ass, to protect herself. He didn’t even pause. He just grabbed both of her wrists in one of his giant hands and held them in the small of her back. He moved his hand lower, spanking the fleshiest part of her ass. Her tears started to trip down onto the wooden floor.

“Daddy! It’s too much! Please! Stop!”

“I’m sorry, baby, but not yet. You are going to remember this lesson for a long time to come.”

Oh, she had no doubts about that.

Smack! Smack! Crack! “You will not put yourself down. Ever. I don’t want to ever hear you say that you are a burden or worthless or anything else similar, understand me? As soon as I hear anything like that you will find yourself in this position.”

He adjusted her so she lay further forward, wrapping one arm around her waist to hold her steady while he laid into the top of her thighs.

“I’m sorry! Daddy, I’m sorry!”

“I know you are, baby,” he said in a low voice. “And I’m sorry this first spanking had to be such a harsh one. But I cannot have you putting your health and safety in jeopardy.”

Not sorry enough to give her any leniency it seemed.

Smack! Smack! Smack!

Was his hand made of wood? Was he never going to stop? She sobbed as she lay limply over his knee. She didn’t have any more fight inside her. He kept smacking, another ten or so spanks to her ass before he stopped. She didn’t realize he had stopped at first, she was still crying her heart out, her ass on fire, and yet despite the pain in her bottom, she felt lighter. More at ease.

He rolled her over then lay back on the sofa with her lying on top of him so her hot ass wasn’t pressed against anything. She lay her head against his chest and cried.

“Sh, baby, it’s okay now. It’s all over. All is forgiven. Sh. Sh now.” He was running his hand up and down her back as he spoke. She gradually pulled herself under control and just lay there, hiccupping occasionally. He reached over to the side table and grabbed the tissues then held one up to her nose.


She didn’t even protest this time. Not only was it pointless but she didn’t really have the energy. As she lay there, his heat surrounding her, his scent seducing her, she felt another need rise. Yeah, her ass throbbed. It was sore. But there was a different sort of heat engulfing her. She wiggled around on top of him. He placed his hand on her back with a groan. “Don’t move around so much, you don’t know what you’re doing to me.”

She kissed along his jaw. “Maybe I do. I want you.”

He pushed a hand under her shirt, running it over her bare back. “I shouldn’t. Giving you an orgasm after a punishment sets a bad example.”

“Please, Clint. I need you. Please.”

He snorted. “Jesus, I can’t believe I’m consider

ing breaking my own rule. Don’t think that this will happen all the time.”

“I don’t.” She leaned in and kissed him. It didn’t take him long to take over the kiss. He was too dominant to let her lead for long. But when she pulled back, he let her go.

“Can I take you in my mouth? Please?”

He stared up at her for a moment then smiled. “I would like nothing more.” She climbed off him and quickly pulled the rest of her clothes off then turned to help him strip. She undid the buttons on his shirt, brushing her hands over the silky skin of his chest. She leaned in and took one of his nipples into her mouth, loving the way he groaned.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic