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It seemed he’d struck her speechless. Well, nearly. She stared at him, her green eyes sparkling with tears. Another one slipped over. Shit. He was in trouble, because right now he wanted nothing more than to pull her onto his lap and kiss away all her pain.

Clint wasn’t certain why he’d just blurted all that out. He had fully intended to keep his daddy side on lockdown. But when she’d stared at him with those vulnerable eyes, he’d been unable to hold back. Her quiet admission that she was often clumsy had eaten away at his tough exterior. She needed a protector. Someone to watch out for her. A guardian.

But it can’t be you.

Fuck. She worked for him. He couldn’t be her guardian as well. And yet he didn’t like the idea of assigning someone else to that role.

What the fuck was he going to do?

And then there was the fact that after he explained everything, she might go tearing out of here like the hounds of hell were on her heels. He didn’t want rumors spreading about what the people on Sanctuary Ranch got up to. Not that he was concerned about gossip, but the women on the ranch often liked to go into town and he wouldn’t have them hurt.

Hiring a cook from the agency had been a risk to everyone’s privacy. But it was only for a few weeks and everyone knew to watch what they said or did around strangers who visited the ranch. Not that it happened a lot.

But this stranger happened to be a woman. Which made a big difference to how she was treated.

He needed to tread carefully. He ran his thumb over Charlotte’s cheek. Damn, she had smooth skin. He felt his body stir. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d reacted to a female like this. And in such a short space of time. He barely even knew her.

“You might want to close that mouth, darlin’ before you start catching flies.”

She wrinkled her nose. “Gross.”

He stiffened. Her voice was higher-pitched. Younger sounding. Or was he imagining things? Fuck. He didn’t know anymore. He was so out of practice.

Not that he’d ever tell Kent that. Bastard already thought he knew everything. He’d become insufferable if Clint ever told him he was right. As his older brother, it was Clint’s job to keep Kent’s ego to a manageable size.

“Are you saying you’d spank me if I lied?”

Hmm, funny, she didn’t actually sound horrified by that. Nor was she trying to push him away. Or calling him an asshole. Or giving him any reaction he might have expected.

Instead, she almost looked intrigued.

“Yes, that’s exactly what I was saying.”

“You can’t do that.”

He raised his eyebrows. “I can’t?”

She blushed. Shook her head. “No. You have no rights over me.”

“I will if you agree to work here.”

“So, I have the job?” she asked.


“Oh. Sorry. I misunderstood.” She pulled back from him and he let her go, even though he immediately missed touching her.

He sighed. “No, you didn’t. I just haven’t explained myself. At all. I’m more used to barking out orders rather than giving explanations. I’d like to offer you a trial run. Lunch has already been and gone, but if you agree to cook dinner, we’ll see how that goes. Then we can discuss you staying on for the next few weeks.” He’d placed his hand on her leg to keep her from trying to get up and he could feel the way her thigh trembled. Shit. Was she scared of him?

And why wouldn’t she be, fool? You threatened to spank her. He stood then reached down and wrapped his hands around her waist to pull her up.

“Jesus, you weigh nothing. First big wind and you’re going to blow over.”

“I will not,” she argued. “I’m sturdier than I look.”

“I doubt that.” He frowned. “Cooking for the amount of people I have working here is hard work. It’s long hours. It’s taxing. Life on a ranch ain’t easy. You going to be able to handle it?”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic