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“She could stay with you.”

His body stirred at the thought. No. Bad idea.

“You going to assign someone as her guardian?”

He should. But that might send her running and he couldn’t let her leave until he was sure she had somewhere to go.

“I don’t know. She’s only here a few weeks. If I tell her how everything works here…”

“She might freak and leave.” Zeke nodded. “I get it, boss man. You know we’ll go with whatever you decide.”

He turned away. Time to give Charlotte the good news. Well, hopefully she saw it that way. If she hadn’t been frightened off by him already.

“But just so you know,” Zeke added. “I’m happy to be her guardian.”

Like fucking hell he would.


She half-ran to keep up with the big cowboy as his long strides ate up the distance between the main house and wherever the hell they were going. She wasn’t sure where that was, because he’d strode into the house, found her in the mudroom instead of the living room where he’d left her, given her a disapproving look then told her to follow him.

She remembered his admonishment about letting down her guard when she was alone with a man. Maybe it would have been a good idea to ask him where they were going before they’d set off from the house, and her car.

“Um, Mr. Jensen? Where are we going?”

He stopped abruptly and she plowed right into his back. She stumbled backwards, falling heavily onto her bottom. For a moment she sat on the hard ground, trying to catch her breath and convince herself that hadn’t just happened. Tears filled her eyes. Damn, that hurt. Even worse than the physical pain was the embarrassment.

“Ah, darlin’, you all right?”

Instead of acting annoyed or impatient, he crouched down in front of her. Then to her surprise, he reached out and gently grasped hold of her chin, raising it. She tried to turn her face away, not wanting him to see the pain and humiliation that was no doubt stamped on her face.

“Look at me,” he commanded in a low voice. But unlike earlier, his tone was soft. Almost tender.

And that was worse. If he’d growled at her, she probably would have found the gumption to climb to her feet and tell him where to go. Maybe. Possibly. But this tenderness had her floundering. And she found herself having to blink back tears. One must have slipped free, because he reached out with his thumb and wiped it away. Her heart caught then skipped a beat. He held her firmly but gently and the look in his eyes…well, she could almost imagine he cared.

Even though she knew that was ridiculous.

“Sorry,” she muttered. “Always been a bit clumsy.”

“I think I should be the one apologizing,” he said dryly. “First I make you sprint to keep up with me and then I stop without warning and send you flying. And all without telling you where we’re going.” He sighed. “I’m afraid I’ve never been one to explain myself and I seem to get worse the older I get. I’m used to having my own way.”

She wasn’t quite sure why he was telling her all this, but she nodded.

“Um, I’d like to get up.” Before anyone else came along and saw them.

He tilted his head to the side. “You in any pain?”

Well, her ass now throbbed and she was pretty sure she’d have a nice bruise there, but she shook her head. “I’m fine.”

His eyes narrowed. “You want to reconsider that answer? Because lying will get you into trouble, little girl.”

This time her heart completely stopped. Those words had the power to turn her to mush and she could feel her Little side taking over. She had to ruthlessly push her back. He couldn’t know what those words meant.


“Around here, lying will get you a throbbing ass. And I’m not talking about the pain in your bottom you’re experiencing right now. I’m talking about the sort of burning butt you’ll get from a spanking.”

He couldn’t be for real. There was no way that had just come out of his mouth.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic