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He placed his finger in the lube. He wasn’t…he wouldn’t…oh shit, he would. He pressed his finger against her puckered entrance. She whined and tried to move away from that finger, but her position made that pretty much impossible. And he grabbed her hip firmly as he pushed his finger inside her. “Daddy, you can’t!”

“Oh, but I can. Because I’m in charge right now.”

Just right now? Somehow, she doubted he’d ever give up control.

He pushed his finger in deep as she moaned and wiggled, need flooding her. When he withdrew his finger, she had to bite her lip against a protest. Brian had often pushed her to have anal sex and she’d always turned him down. She’d thought it gross and yuck…and here she was on the cusp of begging Clint not to stop. He swirled the thermometer in the lube. Was it just her or was he moving extra slowly? He parted her bottom cheeks, taking a moment just to stare at her.

“Daddy! Please don’t look at me there.”

He glanced up at her. “Why not?”

“Because it’s dirty.”

He grinned. “Oh, baby. Don’t you know that there is nothing that is forbidden or dirty between Daddy and his girl. Well, unless you’re talking sexy dirty.” He winked at her then pushed the tip of the thermometer inside her. He paused, stared down at her. “It will be more comfortable for you if you relax.”

“Easier said than done,” she muttered.

He gave one cheek a smack. “You getting sassy with me?” The smack startled her but there was only a little sting and his grin told her he didn’t mind her sassiness that much.

He pushed the thermometer inside her. “We’re going to leave that there for ten minutes.”

“Ten minutes? Noooo.”

He gave her a stern look. “Yes, and if you keep complaining I’m going to make this a regular part of your day…I just might anyway.”

“No, Daddy. I’ll be good.”

He reached up and brushed some hair off her face. “I know you will, baby. You let me know if you start to feel uncomfortable or sore in that position, okay?”

She nodded. She thought about lying and saying she was in pain, but she was a bit worried she might find herself in a worse position. Besides, it wasn’t right to lie to Clint. He’d been upfront with her. She didn’t want to do anything that might make him regret any of this. Because even though it was embarrassing lying here like this, there was a part of her that liked it.

Was aroused by it.

He moved into the bathroom and she heard water running. Then he returned to the bedroom, and sat on the mattress staring down at her. A wave of heat rushed through her. He cupped her pussy then parted her lips.

“My baby is very excited, isn’t she?” He raised an eyebrow. She watched him for any hint of disgust, but there was only heat in his eyes. “Tell me, did you like Daddy’s finger in your bottom?”

Shit. He was giving her a look that said she better answer quickly. Or else.

“Yes, Daddy.”

“Yes, Daddy, I liked having you push your finger deep inside my naughty bottom,” he instructed.

Jesus. Jesus. Why did she like this? Why the hell did it turn her on? She sure as shit didn’t know, but her clit was throbbing, her nipples so hard they ached.

“Yes, Daddy, I liked having you push your finger deep inside my naughty bottom,” she repeated.

“Good girl. Daddy’s so happy with how well you are doing that he’s going to give you a reward.”

A reward? She perked up. She liked the sound of that. He pulled something out of his pocket, holding it up.

“Do you know what this is?” He held up the object so she could see it. It was purple and egg shaped with a long tail.

She shook her head. “No, Daddy.”

“Never played with sex toys before?” he asked with surprise.

“No. Never.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic