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“Hmm, you’ve very out of sorts for a little girl who has just woken from her nap. Perhaps I better check your temperature.”

Her eyes widened. “I feel fine, Daddy.”

But he was already pulling off the covers. He reached for the bottom of the t-shirt she was wearing. It was one of his. She loved wrapping herself up in his scent.

“Sit up,” he ordered. He stripped off the t-shirt, leaving her completely naked since he hadn’t let her put any panties on this morning. “Lie back down,” he said huskily. She saw the heat in his gaze as she did as ordered. She was too thin, almost painfully so. She didn’t have curves or boobs. She wasn’t anything special.

But when he stared at her like that, she felt special, wanted, loved.

“Your nipples are hard. Are you cold, baby?” Clint crooned. “I’ll turn up the heat.”

“I’m not cold,” she told him, blushing.

She was anything but cold, her body went up in flames whenever he was near. Hell, he didn’t even have to be close by. She just had to think about him and she started to get wet. She might have been tempted to do something about it if she hadn’t remembered his order that she wasn’t to pleasure herself.

He cupped her breast and she groaned, arching her back. He rubbed his hand back and forth across the tight nub, making her clit throb. He lightly pinched her nipple between his finger and thumb and she let out a gasp as the slight pain sent waves of need through her body.

Then he pulled away from her. “No, Daddy!”

“Sh,” he told her. “You’re a little flushed. I need to ensure you don’t have a temperature.”

She was flushed because she was aroused and he damn well knew it.

He reached over and pulled the thermometer out of the top drawer of the nightstand, along with a jar of lube.

“Umm, what sort of thermometer is that, Daddy?”

“The only kind I’ll ever use on you,” he replied cheerfully. “It goes up your bottom.”

Oh God, she should have known.

“I really feel fine,” she told him quickly.

“Well, I’m glad about that. But I’m still going to check. It’s my job to keep you nice and healthy.”

She wanted to protest further, but she also knew he wasn’t going to give her a reprieve so she might as well get it over and done with.

She started to roll onto her side to assume the same position as she did when he was administering the painkillers but he grabbed hold of her waist, stilling her. “Did Daddy say to move, baby?”

“Ah, no, but I was getting into position,” she said in confusion as he grabbed her legs and pulled them up, pushing them into her chest.

“Clint!” she squeaked.

He gave her a stern look. “What was that?”

“Sorry…I…umm…what are you doing, Daddy?”

“Taking my girl’s temperature.”

“Not this way!” He’d given her a bath last night and shaved off her pubic hair so she was completely exposed to his gaze.

“Oh yes. I like you this way. I get a nice view of everything.”

God. Could this get any more humiliating?

“Now, I want you to hold your legs right where they are. You let them go and Daddy is going to have to get firm with you, understand?”

Okay, so it seemed things could get more embarrassing.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic