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Her eyes flared open. “Really? I mean, you don’t have to spend your money on me.”

“What kind of daddy would that make me if I didn’t make sure my little girl had enough stuffies to fill the bed?”

She gave him a small smile that dropped when she saw what else he held. “I really don’t like pills.”

“Don’t worry, this is special medicine. However, no doubt there will come a time when you will have to swallow pills and you will be doing so if it’s for your health.”

She pouted a little at that and he reached out to tap her lower lip. “Put that away, munchkin. You need to drink some fluids. Do you think you could eat something?”

She frowned slightly. “Not yet. Maybe later.”

He nodded. He’d make sure of that.

“So how do I take the pills?”

“They go in your bottom.”

Her eyes widened. “Nuh-uh.”

“Oh, yes.”

She scowled at him. “No, Daddy.”

He gave her his sternest look. “Do you really think you get to say no to me when it regards your health, little girl?”

“I don’t want anything in my bottom.”

“Well, now, that’s a shame since you’re going to spend a lot of time with something up your bottom. Sometime in the future, I’m going to start stretching you to take me there and believe me I’m a hell of a lot bigger than these little pills.”

She let out a whimper. “It will hurt.”

“Do you honestly believe I would ever let anything hurt you?” he asked incredulously.

She stared up at him, wide-eyed then shook her head slowly. “No, Daddy.”

“That’s right. That’s why I will stretch you. And, darling, how do you think I’ve been giving you pain killers up until now?”

Well hell. She hadn’t thought of that, had she?

Was she really going to let him stick something up her bottom? It was one thing to sleep right through it but to actually be awake and aware…that was something else entirely.

And he wanted to stretch her to take him there? She swallowed heavily. A mix of trepidation and desire filled her. This was crazy.

“Roll onto your side and curl your legs up to your chest.” He waited for a couple of beats. “Charlotte, I’m going to give you until the count of three to roll back into position and then every second that you procrastinate equals

one smack on that little bottom. One.”

She stared as he placed a dab of lube on his finger.


Shit. Shit. She didn’t need a red bottom on top of all this. Because she knew either way that little pill was going up her bottom.


She quickly rolled into place.

“Just as well,” he growled. “Or that wasn’t going to go well for you. Legs up to your chest.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic