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His jaw was tight and a muscle ticked by his eye. “Brian was an ass.”

“So, you’re allowed to swear but I’m not?”

“Me, Daddy. You, baby girl. I make the rules and enforce them. You obey them.”

Okay, maybe she was weird because that made her sigh happily. Truthfully, she’d had enough of looking after herself, of worrying, and being afraid. To let go of everything for a while and let someone else take control sounded like fucking heaven.

This not swearing thing was definitely going to be a challenge, though.


God, he loved having her here in his bed. His hands were practically trembling as he reached for the bottom of her t-shirt and whisked it over her head. She was his. His baby girl. His sexy little darling. His cock throbbed as he stared down at her breasts. He reached behind her to unclasp her bra. She tensed as he drew her bra away.

He stared down at her breasts. He’d only seen them briefly when undressing her last night and hadn’t looked his full. Small but perfectly formed and tipped with red nipples that had grown stiff and hard. And it wasn’t cold in the room. She reached up to cover them.

“Baby, don’t hide yourself from me. This body is mine now. All of it. When it’s possible, I will be the one undressing you each night and dressing you each morning.”

“Is your body mine as well?”

“Of course.” His loyalty once given was absolute. There would never be anyone else. Her tension eased and she moved her arms, placing them at her sides. He rose and pressed on her shoulders so she lay on her back. She stared up at him from those big eyes.

He groaned. “I know you’re not up to anything more than a nap.”

“I don’t need a nap, Daddy,” she replied. His heart surged with that word. “I slept all night.”

He ran his thumb under her eye. “You still have dark circles here. Have you not been sleeping well?”

“It was hard to sleep when I was living in my car. I thought I would sleep better here, but all the quiet is kind of unnerving.”

And a little frightening.

“Well, I’m going to make certain you get plenty of rest from now on. It’s a wonder you haven’t gotten ill. Doc wants to give you a complete check-up.”

“Great. I hate going to the doctor,” she grumbled.

“Most Littles do. How did you get this bruise here?” He ran a finger over the slight bruise on her arm.

She tensed up and he knew immediately she was about to lie to him. She was a terrible liar. “I don’t remember.”

Hmm. He could press her for the truth, but right now he wanted her to relax. Later, though, he’d be demanding the truth.

“Wait here, I’ll go get a bandage for your hand. We don’t want it getting infected.” He tucked her under the covers then disappeared into the bathroom. When he returned, he gently wrapped her hand up. “How’s the headache? Need some painkillers?”

She grimaced. “I don’t like swallowing pills.”

“Well, luckily, I have pills you don’t have to swallow.”

How did that work? “Are they gummy ones I can chew?”

He snorted. “Not quite. I’ll go get what I need from the other room, you stay where you are, understand?”

“Okay, Daddy,” she said shyly.

When he returned, he was pleased to see her still in place. He had Inky, a jar of lube and the medicine with him. When he handed her Inky, a hint of embarrassment filled her gaze.

Nope. He wasn’t having that.

“He said he was lonely all by himself. We will definitely have to get him some friends.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic