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Ethan gave her an incredulous look. “Why would you be on a swing?”

“That was my fault,” Caleb interjected.

She gave him a grateful look as he took some of the heat of Ethan’s ire off her.

“Your blood pressure is very low. Did you feel dizzy at any other time?”

“Ahh, yes, a little bit when I got up and was walking.”

Ethan muttered to himself some more as he noted things down on his clipboard. She thought she heard the words foolish woman muttered a time or two, but she wasn’t going to ask him to speak up.

“Is she well enough to fly, doc?” Caleb asked as he hooked her back up to the IV.

Fly? She gaped at him. Were they still thinking that she’d go to Escana with them?

“I’d rather she got some rest first. You’re flying commercial?”

“No, private plane,” Caleb replied. “She’ll be able to lie down almost the entire way and we’ll be sure to make sure she eats and drinks.”

Ethan frowned. “I think that should be okay. I’m a bit worried about her low blood pressure and dizziness. I want to monitor her overnight, get some more fluid into her and then we’ll reassess. I don’t want her taking a funny turn on the plane, but if she’s lying down that should help. I’m also going to write a prescription for vitamins.”

“We don’t want to do anything that might set her back,” Caleb said.

“No, she’s already done a good job of that herself.”

“What about spankings?” Wolfe said suddenly.

Um, say what now?

“What?” Ethan looked over at him.

“Is she well enough to be spanked? I’m keeping a tally of her punishments but if she keeps misbehaving like this, by the time she gets her spanking she won’t be sitting comfortably for a week.”

Nope. That didn’t just happen. He didn’t just ask the doctor if she was well enough to be spanked. This was definitely a dream.

She reached over to pinch her arm and Caleb grabbed her wrist, shaking his head at her. “No pinching.”

Ethan frowned down at her. “She pinches herself?”

“Just when she thinks she’s dreaming,” Aleki drawled.

“Right now, I’m certain I must be stuck in a nightmare. Because there is no way you just asked the doctor if I could be spanked.” She glared at Wolfe.

“How else am I gonna know if I don’t ask?” Wolfe asked. “I suppose I could have checked online. Someone else is likely to have asked the question already.”

Please, Lord. Save her. She hadn’t been so bad in her short life to deserve this sort of torture, had she?

“If you’re wanting to take her on a plane soon, then I’d hold off on the spanking until you’re at your destination and she’s feeling recovered from the trip,” Ethan told them. “And then, to be safe, I’d like her to be checked over first by a doctor.”

Wolfe nodded. “Sounds like a plan. The palace physician has experience with these sorts of things.”

“What sorts of things? Spankings?” she asked in a strangled voice.

“Yes. Exactly,” Wolfe replied, looking all too pleased with himself.

Please. Please, Lord.

Save her.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Erotic