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“No. Yes.”

“Well, which is it?” Wolfe asked.

“It’s nothing,” she told them.

“What talk did we just have?” Aleki growled at her. “About letting other people help you and opening up?”

“I just really have to use the bathroom,” she muttered. “Okay? It’s not that big of a deal. But I’ve already sucked my thumb, vomited, and had snot running down my face in front of you all. I’m kind of at my limit for embarrassing shit.”

Not to mention she was carrying around a toy pig.

She bet that Caleb’s little white dude had crawled back into his shell.

“Can we stop calling my cock a little white dude?” Caleb moaned as they stepped out of the elevator.

Whoops. She hadn’t meant to say that out loud.

Aleki strode into her room and headed straight to the bathroom. “You guys sort out food and the doc, I’ll get her settled.”

He shut the door behind them, not giving Caleb and Wolfe any choice but to do as he’d ordered. She raised her eyebrows at him

He grinned back. “What? They need a bit of their own back every once in a while. Bossy bastards.”

He set her down but held onto her hips as she kept all her weight on her good foot. She tried to move towards the toilet but he held her still. “Stay where you are.”

“But I really gots to pee.”

Okay, why did her voice sound so childlike? She hugged Piggles tight, feeling a bit uncertain.

“I know. I’m going to help you. Hold onto me and keep your weight on your good foot.”

“Not this again,” she groaned. “I can go to the toilet on my own, Aleki.”

“Again?” he drawled. “Someone else has been helping you pee?”

“Um, Caleb did. Once.” Was he jealous? He couldn’t get jealous over someone else helping her pee, right?

“Well, then you should be used to some help,” was all he said. Then he bent and drew her pants and panties down. She blushed hotly. At least her T-shirt was long enough to hide everything. He helped her sit on the toilet.

“Can I have some privacy, please,” she begged.

He gave her a firm look. “Call me before getting off the toilet. I’ll go get your nightgown.”

“It’s being washed,” she said.

“Fine, I’ll get you one of our T-shirts to sleep in. Just don’t move without help.”

He stepped out and she couldn’t hold on any longer.

Thank God.

* * *

The doctor made no bones about the fact that he wasn’t happy with her.

He grumbled as he checked her foot. “The swelling has gone back up. The good work from resting these past two days has been undone. You’re not supposed to put any weight on it. What were you thinking? And Caleb said you threw up? You were feeling dizzy?”

“Um, yes, but I was on a swing.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Erotic