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“We aren’t done talking about this, Lana.” She looks at me in exasperation before going back to entering the new inventory. Shrugging me and our lingering conversation off.

Turning toward the door, I see Evan walking in. He’s been working tirelessly, like we have, to help get us enough money to open two more locations. One in New York and one in Portland. Portland was a choice Lana and I made together. My dad moved there, and I wanted even more of an excuse to get away to see him more often.

Lana and I had no idea that our boutique was going to amass this much success in just three short years. Not that we think our store is crap, but it’s the fashion industry and it’s not an easy field to break into. With an abundance of competition, fashion ever-changing, and the economy crashing, we are damn lucky to be where we’re now.

“Evan, how are you?” I ask excitedly, noticing his silver, three-piece suit. He’s always wearing a suit. Evan’s a lot taller than me, with slicked-back dark hair and green eyes that teeter on the edge of being more emerald than green. I know he’s wealthy and has multiple businesses that he and his family have made successful. I’m crossing my fingers that CC Chic will be added to that long list.

“You look lovely today, as usual,” he compliments me, unbuttoning his suit jacket and taking a deep breath. “Let’s see this new line we discussed so I can get a better idea of how we want to market it.”

I’ve been chomping at the bits to get the ball rolling on this part of the deal; this is just getting us one step closer to our end result. Bigger and better!

“Perfect! Come with me, and I’ll show you some of the styling we can do. I wasn’t expecting you for another couple of hours so please bear with us, we’re still getting it out and onto the floor.” He smiles and nods in understanding.

“Well, what can I say? I was excited to see my favorite new business partner.” His smile is crooked and he has this new look in his eyes that I didn’t notice before. Since this is only my second time seeing him in person, I ignore it and chalk it up to not knowing him well enough.

We spend the next two hours going over the new product, the theme we’d like to go with, and what the overall marketing plan is. My feet are killing me by now and I’m all talked out.

“All right, well, I better get going and start working on this. We’ll be having a model call this week, so I’ll send you the photos. Then you and Lana can pick which ones you like best. Unless you want to model? You have the perfect body for it.”

My chest fills with air as I stop breathing for a split second. Evan’s kind, but he’s not afraid to say what he is thinking, and I think what he’s thinking is a tad inappropriate. Shaking off his comment, I try and terminate the rest of this conversation with deflection.

“You’re kind, but I’m not comfortable with modeling. It’s not my thing.”

He tilts his head and makes a tsk, tsk sound.

“It’s a shame.” He looks me up and down then continues, “You’re stunning. I’ll see you later, ladies.” We say our good-byes and right before he leaves he turns back and says, “Shay, can I talk to you in the back real quick?”

I look to Lana and we exchange an awkward glance, one he doesn’t see from where he’s standing, then I turn and follow him.

He gestures for me to step into my office first, and I take the seat in front of my desk. Waiting for him to take the vacant chair next to me. “What can I help you with?” I ask as he situates himself in his seat.

“I was thinking we should do dinner again.”

Smirking, I wave my hand in front of me. “Don’t worry about Lana, I will catch her up on what we discussed at dinner now that she’s feeling better. You are a busy man, don’t worry about it.” I assure him. He tilts his head and I watch him study me. I don’t know why but something makes me feel uncomfortable, the shift in the air doesn’t feel right.

“I meant like dinner, just you and me outside of business.” His blunt statement catches me off guard, because I know he knows about Trey. He is far too confident in asking me with the knowledge he has about my relationship.

“Um, no thanks, I’m with someone,” I reply, suddenly feeling claustrophobic and anxious to leave the room. I pick at the loose string on my shirtsleeve. Evan really shouldn’t be here asking me this, and out of respect for Trey, I shouldn’t even be here entertaining this subject. I need to get out.

“If you’ll excuse me, I need to get back to work.” I go to take my leave when he grabs my arm roughly, pulling me down to eye level. Panic sets in, but my fight or flight instincts are not catching up with me fast enough. I stay stone-still as he narrows his eyes.

“You could have been more respectful with your rejection. Seeing as I’m putting in long hours to help you gain a successful business. I mean rejection isn’t something I’m accustomed to and that wasn’t very tasteful of you, now was it?” His eyes look dark, and I swallow thickly past the lump in my now dry throat. This escalated far too quickly, and I honestly don’t know what to do. Do I run or scream for Lana? His grip on me is way too threatening. Fear is written all over my face and I know he can see it.

“Shay, wow, I was joking, you should see your face.” Like a flip of a switch, my heart rate knocks back a few notches. Holy cow, I thought he was serious. And if I’m being honest, I don’t like his sense of humor, he really should work on his punch lines.

“Oh, okay.” I’m still a little shaken up and not totally comfortable with what scene is playing out in front of me.

“Listen, Shay, it was a joke, I was trying to lighten the mood a little, last time you left me you looked mad as all hell, and I just wanted to play around. That’s all.”

Evan’s face looks sincere and he does have a point. He witnessed me and Trey’s debacle on the phone the last time we were together.

“I’m sorry. Let’s forget about this, I will make sure to keep all jokes simple from now on, okay?”

Waiting a second, I hold off on responding, collecting my thoughts. That was freaking weird. But it was all in the name of humor. He could take a note on proper humor from my brother’s handbook.

> “No, I’m sorry, I just freaked out for a second there, don’t worry about it.” I wave it off and shake off the last bit of creepy vibes. Giving me a curt nod and a wink, he stands and turns to leave.

“Talk to you soon, if you or Lana need me, you know how to reach me.”

Tags: C.C. Monroe Always and Forever Romance