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“Fuck, where… I mean…fuck…” He stops, leaving his sentence unfinished. Reaching up he grabs my breast in his warm, wet palms, squeezing and leaning to suck on my nipples. I stroke him faster and his moans get louder. With a few more pumps, he comes. Moaning, he drops my nipple from his mouth, straining his neck back while warm cum rolls over and down my hand.

“Fuck beautiful, that felt fucking incredible. Damn.” I smirk, feeling proud. I have no experience so his approval puts me on cloud nine. I love pleasing Trey.

“I mean, duh. Just kidding. Gosh, can we just stay here all day?” I ask and he just shakes his head no, pouting his lip to me. God he is so cute. We reluctantly get out of the tub together, wrapping each other in towels and enjoy small talk.

“I’m headed to the apartment to get dressed for work, baby. Give me a kiss before I go.” Giving him a quick kiss, he pulls me flush against his hard body and puts his warm, calloused hand on my cheek.

“I’ll miss you, and I’ll be over later tonight.” Giving me one last peck, he turns to head to the door.

“Bye, baby.”

“Bye, Trey, have a good day!” I hear him shut the door, and I get dressed in some boyfriend cut jeans, a white V-neck tee, and some brown booties. When I look in the mirror my long, curly hair looks even more shiny than usual and my face looks brighter, and it’s not because of the light coat of makeup. It’s from pure happiness. Everything is falling into place, and I can only hope that it’ll stay this way, that we’ll face our demons together.

Within thirty minutes I’m walking into the boutique, ready to see our new line and get things done.

“Hey, L, how’s the new stuff?” I say, placing my bag under the register.

“It’s cute so far. But no way, you’re up first.” I look down at the six boxes sitting by the side of the register and laugh. I know she’s talking about what went down with Trey and me after we left the bar the other night.

“I’ll tell you everything, as long as we get these boxes open and out on the floor. Evan will be here in a couple of hours

to see the new line so he can have his team create a marketing campaign,” I inform her, since she wasn’t feeling well enough and had to miss out on dinner, she wasn’t told, which is my fault. What can I say, I’ve been a little wrapped up in a certain blue-eyed guy.

“Crap! Why didn’t you tell me? I’m not ready,” she says, grabbing the box cutter and opening the boxes while I pull the rack closer to us.

“I’m sorry, it’s been a busy couple of days.” She looks at me like I’m speaking gibberish, and I know she’s about to lay it on me thick.

“You must not be getting enough sleep. You know, maybe you have restless body syndrome from too much sex.” I throw a top that I picked up from the box and it lands on her head, making us both laugh.

“You are such a little pervert! I don’t know where that comes from. You used to be so classy, now you just talk about sex. All—the—time.” I feel the mood shift and the air turns thick, and that’s when I know I struck a nerve in her.

“That’s what being controlled like a robot and abused for two years will do to you when you get a taste of freedom,” she says solemnly.

“Lana, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you remember that.” I instantly feel the overwhelming emotion that comes with regret. About two weeks into her relationship with Joel, he started to beat on her, telling her where she could go, who she could hang out with, and what she could wear. It was a tragic part of her life and a bigger tragedy to stand by and watch, because she begged all of us to leave her be. Like the idiot I was, I listened to her.

“Don’t. I know you didn’t, it’s just a reminder of how different I was, how much I had to hide.” She plays with the tag on the shirt she’s holding, concentrating on it with great detail for a few more minutes.

“Enough with the heavy. Tell me about Trey.”

I know I need to drop it and not push the issue; it’s only been a little over three years since she escaped him. I learned fast that she wouldn’t talk about it or him, ever. I’m not about to make today the day I try to get her to open up. It’s supposed to be a good day, for the both of us.

“Tell me about you and Trey. What in the world is going on with you two?”

I could ask her the same thing. She and Kingston were just making out the other night at the club.

“There’s not much to say, but we’re a couple now.”

“No shit, it’s about time. I was hoping that would happen. But I didn’t think, with Trey’s past, that he would actually commit.” Her honesty holds a ton of truth, hitting the nail on the head with that one.

“I know, it all happened so fast. He’s so different and honest with me, telling me what he wanted and how he was willing to try for us.” She nods her head like she’s not shocked at all by my confession. I guess it was only a matter of time before we ended up getting together.

“That’s good, you two deserve it,” she says encouragingly.

“I don’t want to pry or get to into it, but I saw you and Kings pawing at each other in the club the other night.” I watch her roll her eyes and she shrugs her shoulder, waving her hand in the air like I’m a fly pestering her. I’m not the only one with a story to tell. I won’t be the only one spilling the beans while she hides it. Lana is a dude stuck in a gorgeous girl’s body. She doesn’t want commitment, that’s why I’m shocked they were acting that way together at the club.

“Nothing. We were tipsy, and I wanted someone to kiss. Point, blank, period,” she says matter-of-factly, trying to steer the conversation elsewhere. I know she knows me better than that. I don’t let her hide from me. I was gonna let this slide and not bring it up but now I’m determined. She needs to open up to me.

“Oh, really. So I have to tell you every detail of my conversation with Trey, but you get to make the world’s lamest excuse to me? Funny.” I watch her every expression and almost make my way in. She’s just about to open her mouth when the alarm in the back chimes, letting us know someone’s walking in.

Tags: C.C. Monroe Always and Forever Romance