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“I’m okay,” I reply, relishing the sensation of clothing on my skin. It’s a decadent feeling I took for granted until now.

“I can’t believe he made you attend dinner naked.” Elise chews on her lip, and I sense the nervousness hovering underneath her outer calm, as if she’s preparing herself for a harrowing account of my time spent in the House of Virgo since the incident at dinner.

“Things started off rocky with Miles.” The breeze picks up, and I meet her baby blues as a tiny braid grazes my lashes. “But these last few days have been uneventful.”

Uneventful, boring, and frustrating. Each day, I resist Miles’ advances, and each day I watch another sunrise and sunset pass without spending a minute inside my studio.

“I’d rather talk about you,” I say, glancing at the subtle swell of her belly. “How’s the pregnancy going?”

She rests a hand on her stomach, and something about the gesture brings an ache to my throat. Despite living with the horrendous assault that created the life growing inside of her, she covers her belly with a protective hand.

“I think I felt him move yesterday.”


With a smile, she shrugs. “Just a feeling.”

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this happy.”

Her grin slips a little. “I am, for the most part.” She gives me a sheepish look. “I just miss the honeymoon. We barely got back, but Landon’s already left on a business trip.”

“He cares about you, Elise. I know it’s hard to be apart, but he’s devoted to you and the baby.”

A fist of melancholy constricts my heart. No matter what Sebastian says, a part of him will always belong to Lilith now. My expression must speak volumes, because Elise tilts her head, sympathy softening her features.

“Sebastian told us about Lilith.”

We walk for a full minute without saying a word, the sun at high noon shining on our companionable silence. I come to a halt and gaze at the sea. From this viewpoint, the waves almost appear calm—a gentle push and pull that’s incongruent with the powerful force of gravity. The setting is an illusion of serenity, because under the surface lies an undertow just waiting to yank the weak and frail into chaos.

I’m neither weak nor frail. If I’ve learned anything from the past five months, it’s that I’m stronger than I ever imagined.

“When I first found out, I was shocked.” Brushing my hair out of my eyes, I meet Elise’s expectant gaze. “Then I was hurt and angry. I don’t know how he’s going to handle the situation, but after thinking about nothing else since I found out, I know I can’t stop loving him.”

She nods as if she knows exactly what I’m talking about. “I’m pretty sure he feels the same.”

“I know he does,” I say, recalling how he teared up when it came time for me to leave his house.

It’s only been days, but it feels longer.

“I’m glad you believe there’s hope for you two,” Elise says, looking over my shoulder. “Because he wants to talk to you.”

“What?” My eyes going wide, I whirl and find the subject of our conversation walking toward us on the path. I turn back to Elise, jaw clenched.

“Don’t be mad,” she pleads. “Landon thought the two of you should have some time to talk.”

“So today was just a ruse?” I wave my hand between her and me. “I needed a friend, Elise. Not a meddler.” As his steps near, shoes crunching over debris on the path, my former lady takes a step back.

“You need to talk to him. I’ll wait over there.” She points toward a bench several yards away. “Take all the time you need, my queen.”

“I’m not your queen,” I call after her, knowing the protest will dig under her skin. It’s petty, but so is the sense of betrayal rising in my throat, and I can hold back neither. After Elise is out of earshot, Sebastian halts at my side.

“You shouldn’t have come.” I fold my arms, averting my gaze from the tempting sight of him. It hurts too much to be this close without being allowed to touch him.

“No, I shouldn’t have let you go without having this conversation.”

I shoot him a surreptitious look, and that’s when I notice the yellowing bruises along his cheekbone. Forgetting my ire and my place, I reach for his face.

“Miles didn’t tell me he returned the punch.” As my fingers trace the bruises, he folds his hand around my wrist and gently pushes me away.

“I’m surprised he told you anything at all.”

“He’s told me more than you have,” I accuse, turning to face him fully so that Elise’s chaperone of a gaze is at my back.

“Did he tell you we came to an understanding?”

“What kind of understanding?”

“If he doesn’t treat you with respect, I’ll put him in the hospital next time.”

Tags: Gemma James The Zodiac Queen Erotic