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"Almost," she said. "But not really. And not as good. Apples instead of peaches. And no Schnapps. Kane says that takes the base price up too much."

"Thanks," he said, feeling better. Because that really did sound like one nasty-ass drink.

Still, the frustration over losing Aly ate at him, and he made a mental note to look over payroll. They always needed good bartenders. Maybe The Fix could justify hiring her back at a higher pay rate.

Work and family battled it out in his head as he reached his car, then drove the short distance to his house. But as soon as he stepped inside, family won. It always did when he came home, because here was where Eli was the priority.

But it wasn't just Eli now, was it? Sure, the boy was his only minor child. The only child for whom he was legally responsible. But that wasn't the issue. Elena was his. She was family.

And there were decisions to be made.

Exhaustion swept over him, and though he wanted to fall face down in his bed, he moved quietly through the house to Eli's room, pushed open the door, and watched his sleeping son.

He didn't know how long he stood there, but just seeing the boy steadied him, and soon enough he moved to his own bedroom. He was exhausted. Tired and drained and desperate for sleep. But sleep wouldn't come, and after an hour he ended up in the living room on the couch in his boxers and a T-shirt with the TV on. Not that he was paying attention to the show.

No, his mind was back on Eva.

At the time he'd asked her to go downstairs for a drink, he hadn't been entirely sure what he wanted her answer to be. But apparently he'd been hoping for a yes, because her no was damn sure bothering him.


For a brief moment he imagined the feel of her naked body pressed against his, all soft and curvy and his. But no. That wasn't what he wanted. It wasn't.

He didn't want or need the complication of sex. All he wanted was for Eva to tell him about Elena. About the years that he missed. Her babyhood. Her first steps. Her friends, her dreams.

He needed Eva to be a scribe for him, writing the missing memories of his daughter on his mind.

That was it. That was all it was.

Easy. Simple.

And now that he knew, he should be able to sleep.

Yawning, he returned to his bedroom, then slipped between the cool sheets. He closed his eyes, remembering the way Teiko's petite body tucked against his. Nothing like Eva's long limbs. With a flash of memory, he recalled that Eva used to kick him in bed. One time, she'd even got him in the balls. Restless leg, she'd called it.

How the hell had he forgotten that?

He opened his eyes, then looked at the near-empty bed that suddenly seemed too full.

With a sigh, he once again slid out of bed. This time, he took his pillow with him to the living room, then settled down on the couch to sleep.

He didn't know how long it took before he slipped under, but when he clawed his way back up to consciousness, the room was full of light, and his son was standing over him.

"So what's up with you?" Eli demanded.

Tyree rubbed his head as he sat up. He blinked, trying to clear the sleep from his eyes. "Just couldn't settle last night."

"No, I mean, you watched me sleep. What was that about?"

"You were awake?"

"Not really. You know where you're like half in a dream? It was weird."

"Just wanted to check on my boy."

Eli frowned, like Tyree was a crazy person, but shrugged. "So why the couch?" He looked at Tyree's pillow, making clear that he wasn't going to fall for any bullshit about accidentally falling asleep there.

But since Tyree couldn't exactly tell his son that he'd been feeling strange--maybe even guilty--about the bed that he'd shared with Eli's mother, Tyree just shrugged.

Tags: J. Kenner Man of the Month Romance