Page 95 of My Darling Duke

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Alexander was a man who had chosen to exile himself from society. And had done so for ten years. Yet he had stepped from his cold, lonely world and braved the scandal sheets and society’s overly lurid speculation to meet her. The first such person to interest him…touch him…kiss him in years.

She pressed the tips of her fingers to her lips, remembering the incredible taste and feel of him, the powerful press of his body against hers.

Yet it wasn’t those memories that made her throat ache with longing. It was the way he’d teased her, charmed her, brought laughter and happiness to her heart. And it was the way he had made her feel comfortable to speak about her dreams and to be natural without fear of being lambasted for being willful or overly passionate.

He liked her impudence.

And she…she loved him.

“He believes his limitations will be a burden to my happiness when it is so far from the truth. He said…he said he may never be able to love me as a man loves a woman; he may never be able to grant me children. We had an intimate moment, and he got hurt during…during…” She ended on a huff, blushing furiously. “After that, he rejected every offer of comfort and my love. Since then I have been so despondent and unlike myself!”

Her friends were silent at this passionate confession.

“And you want him still?” Fanny asked, searching her expression.

“Yes.” That truth she could not hide from, nor did she want to pretend about the affections she felt for Alexander.

Ophelia smiled. “If he’ll not come to you, you must go to him.”

“And do what?”

“Convince him that you are meant to be together,” Maryann said with conviction. “You are fierce and brave and quite inventive. I’ve never known you to wilt away from any challenge.”

Kitty stared at her friend. “He should be the one convincing me! I do not know if I wish to sway him. He is the one who sent me away.”

“That is foolish pride and fear speaking, Kitty,” Fanny whispered. “You are already so certain you and the duke are meant to be. You need no convincing on that matter.”

Those softly spoken words pierced her heart deeply. She pressed a hand over her lips. “I would not know what to say.”

Ophelia pursed her lips. “Seduce him.”

“Seduce him?” Kitty gasped.

“Yes. You said there were intimate moments before he got hurt. Perhaps it is still possible. Charm the duke with kisses and improper touches and show him that there can be normalcy between you two.”

Maryann gasped, while Fanny laughed with delighted wickedness. Kitty could only stare at her friends. “What do I know of seduction? And I hardly think that might sway Alexander.”

Ophelia took a demure sip of her tea, the slow movement quite at odds with the terribly devilish glint in her eyes. “Men have a reputation of being weak…desperately weak to our kisses, you know. And if the duke truly wants you as much as you want him…I daresay kisses are bound to work.”

Maryann flushed and asked, “I gather you speak from some experience?”

Ophelia tossed her dark head. “I have a friend…you may have heard of her—Cosima Wagner.”

Kitty eyed Ophelia with new appreciation. Those who had been acquainted with her father knew that he was dotingly fond of her, perhaps to Lady Ophelia’s determent. Kitty had no notion her friend was being this naughty. To be friends with a lady rumored to be a courtesan?

“The Prussian princess who is in exile? There is a rumor she is the mistress of that vile gaming hell owner. The one who is always in the paper for his wickedness,” Maryann gasped.

To Kitty’s shock, a flush ran along Ophelia’s cheek.

“Devlin Byrne,” she murmured.

“A very made-up name if I ever heard one.” Fanny sniffed. “But yes, that is the man, and everyone believes the princess and Mr.—”

“They are not lovers!” Ophelia said, a peculiar vulnerability flashing in her eyes before she lowered her lids. “We are friends of sort, Cosima and I. And she is very knowledgeable about men…and what is needed to seduce a gentleman to our way of thinking. She says there are many arts to rousing a man?

?s body. I daresay a woman should know more about it than stuffy old doctors!” She looked away, a full blush engulfing her body at her friends’ stare.

Kitty hesitated, at a rare loss for words. Finally, she asked, “You have inquired of this lady how to seduce a man?”

Tags: Stacy Reid Romance