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From the way her nipples are pebbled beneath the T-shirt, I can tell she approves of that idea.

“Do you trust me?” I ask her softly.

“Of course I do.”


I slide the T-shirt up and off over her head. She moans as I flick my tongue over one of her nipples, circling it and then closing my lips and sucking gently. I take my time, enjoying each of her breasts before I return to kissing her neck.

Soon, she’s writhing beneath me, whimpering for more. I run my hand up her inner thigh, parting her legs, and she gasps. My cock brushes against her leg and I feel her reaching for it. I grab her wrist with my free hand and move her hand to the pillow.

“Hang on,” I say, moving over to open the drawer in my nightstand table.

I pull out a foil packet and rip it open, then take out the condom and slide it on. Molly watches me, her eyes glazed with desire. Jesus, I hope I can last long enough.

I take both her wrists in one of my hands and pin them to the bed above her head.

“Wait, what?” She gives me a confused look.

“This is the part about trusting me.” I look into her eyes. “You do, right?”


I kiss her gently, my free hand cupping her cheek before sliding down to her breasts. I tease her nipples some more, keeping her hands pinned to the mattress. Once I have her arching to get closer and panting unevenly, I slide her thighs open with my knee and ease myself inside her.

“Oh, God,” she says in my ear.

“Want me to stop?”

“No,” she says, firm and fast. “I want you to not stop. I want you to…go.”

I kiss her harder, her mouth ravenous on mine since it’s the only body part she has control of right now. When I push into her further, she moans into my mouth and pulls on her wrists, as if wanting to touch me.

The uptight, apprehensive woman I know is nowhere to be seen as Molly lets go of her mind and her body takes over. Her hips work in time with mine, both of us groaning with pleasure.

It’s been a long time for me, not to mention that this is Molly—the woman I’ve been thinking about day and night. I have to slow down so I can keep my control.

“More,” she says in my ear, her breath hot and her tone desperate.

Fuck if I can say no to that. I grind my hips against hers, her loud and needy moans nearly sending me over the edge.

“Good girl,” I say, trying out some dirty talk. “Let me own you. Just lie there like a good girl and get fucked.”

“Oh.” Her eyes widen in surprise, but her thighs clench hard around me in pleasure.

I rock my hips into hers even harder, my headboard banging into the wall with the force of our fucking. She cries out as she starts to come, her wrists pushing against my hand once again.

The sound of her coming undone makes me thrust into her one last time and come, too, my entire body going taut as pleasure overwhelms me. We’re both breathless as I release her wrists and roll onto my side.

“Good?” I ask her softly.

She laughs lightly. “Amazing. I’ve never done anything like that.”

“You liked it, though, right?”

“I loved it.”

“Me too.”

Her smile is sweet and sexy. “That was a pretty incredible date.”

“First of many.” I tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear and add, “I hope.”

“So do I.”

“And this date’s not even over yet.” I pull the covers over both of us and she snuggles against me.

“Oh, really? What else do you have in mind?”

“I’ll go make some breakfast. You can come with me or stay warm in bed and I’ll bring it to you.”

“Mmm, you drive a hard bargain, but I’ll agree to it. I have to go home after that, though. I told Gram I’d take her grocery shopping this morning.”

I hate the thought of her leaving. We’re only one date in, and I’m already turning into a lovesick sap. Jesus.

“When can I see you again?” I ask.

“How about the next evening you’re free?”

“Perfect. Wednesday. Unless you want to come to my game Tuesday.”

“I might, if I can get credentialed.”

“Molly.” I give her a serious look. “I thought we were done with that shit. You have a spot in the friends and family box, as my girlfriend.”

Her lips part with surprise. “Your girlfriend?”

I get out of bed and grab my jeans from the floor, pulling them on. “I’m not one for playing games. You’re the only woman I want, and if there’s any other man you want, I’ll take him out so I’m the only one you want.” I grin to show her I’m kidding. “I want you to be my girlfriend.”

Tags: Brenda Rothert Chicago Blaze Romance