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“Come here,” he says, gently turning me so my back is against his chest.

He kisses my neck, his palm sliding beneath my shirt to my stomach. I gasp as his lips work magic on my skin, traveling from my jaw to my earlobe, and then down to my mouth. He unfastens the buttons on my blouse but leaves it on, the two sides hanging open as he moves to unbutton my jeans.

I let out a strangled moan as his hands slide down my skin, pushing my jeans down so I can step out of them.

“Damn, look at you,” he says against my neck. “So sexy.”

I lean back into him as his hands travel up and down my body, every nerve ending humming from his touch. It’s almost more than I can take, arousal making me ache in a way I never knew possible.

“I want you, Kit,” I murmur.

He hums his approval against my skin, making goose bumps appear up and down my arms.

“Tonight’s for you,” he says, sliding my shirt off and kissing my bare shoulder.

My mind spins, too entranced by his touch to protest as he unclasps my bra, slides down my panties and continues running his hands over my body. I shiver at his touch, wishing I could make him feel this way, too.

“Lie down on your back,” he whispers, and my body obeys.

His bedroom is dark, but enough light enters through the window for me to see the shadow of his body. He’s magnificent, all long limbs and firm muscles. I ache to run my fingertips over the ink on his chest and arms, but when I try to sit up, he shakes his head.

He bends down and kisses my inner ankles, sending a tingle all the way up my legs. His mouth follows in its wake, kissing me as he works his way up my calf to my knee. By the time he reaches my inner thigh, I can’t help the sounds of surprise and arousal that escape me.

I want this. But Kit’s touch is so smooth, the brush of his beard on my skin so agonizingly perfect, that I’m spinning. My fingers instinctively wind into his hair and tug as he reaches the apex of my thighs.

Then he licks me, and I moan in response, trying to say his name but only coming up with incoherent syllables.

It’s so good. Beyond good. He teases and kisses and licks until my hips are rolling and I’m panting. When I come, my hips and back arch into the air and bliss overwhelms me.

I fall back to the mattress, breathless. Kit kisses his way up my stomach to my breasts, and then whispers for me to turn around so my back is against his chest.

We lie like that and talk about everything from each other’s favorite ice cream flavor to favorite movie. My hunger is forgotten as his warmth relaxes me.

Awake since 5:00 a.m., I manage to slip into one of his T-shirts and snuggle back into him for a few minutes before I feel myself falling asleep with a smile on my face.

Chapter Sixteen


* * *

I blink, trying to adjust my eyes to the morning light. Molly’s dark hair is splayed out on the pillow next to me, and I’m dying to get a clear look at her.

She asked for a shirt to sleep in last night, and my gray Blaze T-shirt looks far better on her than it does on me. She’s curled up on her side, her top leg at an angle that showcases her bare thigh. I sneak a peek over her shoulder, my already stiff cock getting completely hard when I see she’s not wearing panties.

It took me a long time to fall asleep last night, arousal coursing through my veins as Molly slept softly beside me. I wanted last night to be all about her. She’ll soon find out that the even-keeled guy she’s now dating is extremely controlling in the bedroom. I’m hoping to ease her into it, and show her that calling the shots doesn’t mean I’m the only one enjoying things. To the contrary, all I want is to please her—but on my terms.

I quietly get out of bed to use the bathroom, and when I slide back into bed, Molly smiles at me, her eyes open but still sleepy.

“Hey,” I say, kissing her.


“Sleep okay?”

“I slept great. How about you?”

“How can I sleep when you’re in bed next to me?”

She murmurs her amusement. I brush the hair back from her face and kiss her again. When her hand brushes against my chest and slides around to my back, I’m rock hard once again.

“This time it’s about you,” she says lightly, her fingertips trailing down to my hip.

I put my hand over hers, stopping her.

“It’s about both of us,” I say, kissing her neck.

Tags: Brenda Rothert Chicago Blaze Romance