Page 55 of Innocence

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Never in my wildest dreams did I think Dad would give his blessing to live with a man before marriage. Of course, in my last relationship, I’d been barely twenty and in college. I looked at Jaxson. “What about Ty and the example we’re setting? I can sleep in another room.”

“He’s five. You’re already his mom in his eyes. I promise he’ll be fine.”

Mom. The word was still sinking in and I’d had no time to process all of this. My life was on fast forward and not stopping. Maybe moving in with Jaxson, catching our breath, being a family would bring normalcy to our lives while we prepared for the wedding. “I’ll move in with you and Ty.”

A huge grin spread across Jaxson’s and my face.

Dad scowled. “Son, try not to look so damn happy. She’s still my little girl.”

The smile instantly dropped from Jaxson’s face and I giggled. “Sorry, sir.”

Dad said, “I think we need to tell your parents, Jaxson. Bring them up to speed. I understand why you guys didn’t say anything before, but they don’t need to be exposed either. I’m taking Ty out to feed the horses while you guys talk.”

Dad left us and the clawing feeling returned. “Jaxson, what if they don’t want you involved in all this? What if they regret us being together? What if—”

Silenced with a kiss, Jaxson brought me to him. “Family doesn’t bail when things get tough. I chose you as my wife. You’re part of this family. Understand?”


Before we left to see his parents, Jaxson pressed me against the door. “Tonight, I’m going to savor you. You’re officially mine. Forever is about to start, sweetheart.”

“Now that you’re getting the milk and cookies for free, will you be one of those guys who won’t agree on a wedding date?” There was a teasing tone to my voice.

A breath away, he responded, “I meant what I said. As soon as you have the wedding you want planned, I’ll be at the end of the aisle. The sooner you’re my wife the better.”


“Yes. Let’s talk to Mom and Dad. Then, we’ll tell Ty about you becoming our new roommate.”

My palms sweated as Jaxson finished telling Pam and Levi everything. We sat in silence as the attention centered on Levi. I grew more anxious waiting to hear that I wasn’t good enough for Jaxson and Ty. He rubbed his chin. “I think there’s some changes we need to make to monitor who’s in and out of here.”

Wringing my hands out, I said, “I’m so sorry about this. I didn’t mean to bring this on you.”

Levi pinned me with a stare. “Do you love my son and grandson?”

“With all my heart.” There was no doubt. I loved them. I would die for them.

He nodded, satisfied. “Then, it’s what needs to be done. I’m not taking away their happiness because of some spineless bastard who feels threatened and robbed my soon-to-be-daughter four years of her life. London, you’re family now. That means you’re my daughter too.”

Not being able to help it, I stood to hug Levi and Pam. “Thank you. I love you both.”

Family was worth more than anything else in this world.

ALL MY BAGS WERE IN Jaxson’s house after dinner. Dad and Levi were getting some of the security implemented. Jaxson would have to meet with the security company tomorrow, but it was important for him to be here as we spent the first night as a family in our house. Our house. It was crazy to think this was now my home. I looked around the place like I was seeing it for the first time. Two boys definitely lived here with the lack of warmth. The walls were bare and only the minimal furniture was present. No additional knickknacks.

Surprisingly, I was calm about this part of my life. This felt right. However, knowing someone was still watching me, waiting for me to do something, had my nerves frayed.

Jaxson was upstairs putting the last suitcase in the closet. Later I would unpack my stuff. Tonight I wanted to spend it as the three of us.

Currently, Ty was at Pam’s getting something. A secret. For me.

In the living room, I took in my new home. Dump trucks filled a toy bin next to the television. Of course, I’d been here countless times, but it felt different now. I was going to be permanently part of this.

Warm arms came around my waist. “Welcome home, sweetheart.”

“I like the sound of that.”

His breath tickled my ear. “I thought later this week, when things calm down, we could look at redoing the house. Something our style.”

Tags: Kristin Mayer Erotic